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  1. 无验潮模式下的RTK水下地形测量

    Underwater Topographic Survey Using RTK Technology Without Tide Gauge

  2. DGPSRTK技术在无验潮水下地形测量中的应用初探

    Preliminary Applying DGPS RTK Technique in Bottom Topographic Survey without tidal Observation

  3. 介绍了GPS无验潮水下地形测量的原理,探讨了其数据采集与处理方法,并对GPS无验潮水下地形测量的精度和特点作了说。

    In this paper the principle of GPS underwater topographic survey without tide gauge is first introduced , then the methods of data collection and processing are discussed .

  4. 介绍了应用全球定位系统实时动态测量(RTKGPS)技术进行无验潮水深测量的基本方法,并在实际工作中进行了验证。

    This paper introduces the application of RTK GPS in bathymetric survey without tide observation . It describes the elementary method that has been proved highly effective .

  5. GPS-RTK无验潮水深测量技术在长江口航道治理工程中的应用

    Application of GPS-RTK Bathymetric Survey Technique Without Tidal Observation in Yangtze Estuary Channel Regulation Project

  6. 以RTKGPS无验潮测深系统在工程应用的实例,分析新技术对提高堤防防渗工程的意义,并对实施过程进行质量控制和精度分析。

    This paper analyzes the significance of new technique in impermeable project of dike by the application of RTK GPS non-tide deep-surveying system , and proceeds quality control and precision analysis .

  7. 对无验潮测深技术中影响水深测量成果精度的几个问题进行了分析探讨,并提出了实用可行的控制方法。

    It also analyses and discusses several issues that affect the accuracy of non-tide sounding survey , and offers the practical and feasible control method .

  8. 改进了传统的多源验前信息融合结构,在混合验前分布中加入无信息验前,并在混合验后融合权重中采用上述定义的SCMD值,从而提高了多源试验信息融合方法的适应能力。

    Finally , the conventional fusion structure of multi-source prior information is improved for better applicability by adding the non-informative prior to the mixed prior and using SCMD in the mixed posterior weights .

  9. 无井验潮仪数据处理终端机

    A Microprocessor-based Data Aquisition and Processing System for Tide Gauge Without Stilling-Well

  10. 仿真结果表明,无信息验前下的评估结论可以很好地用频率学派的观点来解释。

    The results of simulation show that the conclusion under noninformative priors can be explained according to the frequentist view .

  11. 尤其对无长期验潮资料的海域,采用以4月份平均海平面加改正值的近似方法求得的年平均海平面是可信的。

    Especially , in the region without long-term tidal records , the calculated annual mean sea levels are quite reliable using this approximate method which adopts the mean sea level in april plus a correction .