
wú cóng
  • not be in a position;be not in a position to;have no way;have no way(of doing sth.)
无从 [wú cóng]
  • [have no way(of doing sth.);be not in a position to] 指做某件事没有办法或找不到头绪

  • 问题复杂,无从入手

无从[wú cóng]
  1. 个中事局外人无从知晓。

    Outsiders have no way to know the inside story .

  2. 答案根本无从知晓。

    The answer is that you have no way of knowing .

  3. 她的国会同僚是否同意,现在还无从知晓。

    It remains to be seen whether her parliamentary colleagues will agree .

  4. 你都无从想象这让我有多悲伤。

    You can 't begin to imagine how much that saddens me .

  5. 我们还没有看到这封信,所以无从发表意见。

    We have not seen the letter , so we can hardly comment on it

  6. 对我们所有人来说,精神压力常常是无从逃避的生活现实。

    Stress is a fact of life from time to time for all of us .

  7. 不了解情况,就无从解决这类问题。

    If we do not know the facts , we are in no position to handle such matter .

  8. 这个名称起于何时,已经无从稽考。

    The date of origin of this name is unascertainable .

  9. 没有和平,发展就无从谈起。

    Without peace , development is out of the question .

  10. 管理来自14个不同组织的志愿者简直像放猫一样,无从下手。

    For example : Managing volunteers from fourteen different organizations is like herding cats .

  11. 至少,在高科技实验室设备稀缺或无从获取的地区或国家,可以用某些动物来识别新冠病毒。

    At the very least , certain animals could be useful for identifying COVID-19 in places or countries in which high-tech.

  12. 它们就像一顶隐形斗篷,让免疫系统无从发觉被藏起来的病毒,保护它们不受包括胃酸等恶劣环境的影响,还帮它们击败肠道内的靶细胞。

    They acted like an invisibility cloak that hid the viruses from the immune system , protected them from harsh environments including stomach acid , and helped them overwhelm their target cells in the intestines3 .

  13. 当时所谓的IPO市场根本无从谈起。

    There was no IPO market to speak of at all .

  14. “Spoiltforchoice”(可供选择的好东西太多以至于无从下手)就是英语中对当今消费者所面临的窘境的描述。

    " Spoilt for choice " is the English expression that describes the dilemma facing today 's consumers .

  15. 必须承认,多哈回合(doharound)贸易谈判目前已被搁置,即使奥巴马迫切希望推进谈判,他也无从着手。

    It must be admitted that the Doha round is on hold and Mr Obama could not move it forward even if he so desired .

  16. 千禧年元旦刚过,玫瑰初次走进泉聊的BBS,一直想写点什么东西,却又觉得无从着手。

    Shortly after the New Year of the millennium , Rose went into the chatting BBS , hoping to write something , but not knowing how to start .

  17. 对于这类基于生物抗体的方法的研究处于早期,还未达到拮抗药物的测试阶段,但是抗体也许最终能够规律性地阻止CGRP的活动,使偏头痛无从发作。

    Research into these biologic antibody-based approaches is at an earlier stage than the testing of antagonist drugs , but antibodies eventually might be able to block CGRP action regularly so that migraines don 't ever begin .

  18. 例如,ActiveRecord无从知道一组父记录中的哪一个会请求一个子记录,所以它会为每个父记录生成一个子记录查询。

    ActiveRecord has no way to know that , for example , a child record is being requested for each of a set of parent records , so it will produce one child record query for each parent record .

  19. 这项研究的领导者、瑞典乌普萨拉大学的公共健康教授佩尔·肖格伦(PerSjögren)说,志愿者们用什么活动来代替静坐无从准确得知,因为研究者们没用监测器追踪志愿者们的活动模式。

    Exactly what the volunteers did in lieu of sitting is impossible to say with precision , said Per Sj ö gren , a professor of public health at Uppsala University in Sweden , who led the study , because the researchers did not track their volunteers " movement patterns with monitors .

  20. 人力资源解决方案公司求职顾问ChinskyMatuson说:“先调整一下自己的情绪,然后用冷静的语气简单的回答他的提问。特别是如果你的回答让面试官无从刁难的话,他最终就不会再对你有敌意了。

    Job-search mentor Roberta Chinsky Matuson of Human Resource Solutions suggests , " Take a moment to compose yourself . Then simply answer the question using a calm tone . Eventually the person will stop being so hostile , particularly if you are responding in a way that is not giving them any fuel for their fire . "

  21. 要用文字来纪念如此特别的一个人,我深感无从下笔。

    How do you start to honour such a unique man .

  22. 个体对命运的无从把握,生成了人类永恒而深沉的漂泊之感。

    No grasping the fate generates the eternal and deep wandering .

  23. 如果没有素质教育,那么设计教育也无从谈起。

    If no quality education , then design education also mentioned .

  24. 真遗憾,我们对于时局的进展无从报道。

    Unhappily , we can report no improvement in the situation .

  25. 许多国家无从获得所需要的抗蛇毒血清。

    Many countries have no access to the antivenoms they need .

  26. 就像蚂蚁无从了解我们人类的样子。

    For example , ant can 't understand what human is .

  27. 你无从选择生性聪慧。

    You can 't choose to be born with intelligent .

  28. 有时候伤害我们无从得见。

    And sometimes the damage is something we can 't even see .

  29. 依传统民法理论,保证都具有从属性,也就是通常所说的无从属性,即无保证可言。

    According to the traditional civil law theory , guarantee is accessory .

  30. 没有效率,公平将无从谈起。

    Equity would be out of the question without efficiency .