
fēi kē xué
  • Non scientific;non-science
非科学[fēi kē xué]
  1. 课程专为科学和非科学专业所设计。

    It is designed for science and non-science majors .

  2. 造成中学作文教学质量和效率低下的根本原因是教学过程和教学方法的非科学化。

    The fundamental cause for low teaching quality and inefficient teaching is the non-science of teaching courses and teaching methods .

  3. 其中,最严厉的批评说:ID理论根本不是科学,是非科学。

    The most severely criticism is that the Intelligent Design Theory is absolutely non-science .

  4. 技术进步应对非科学性TBT的效用分析

    Utility Analysis of Technical Progress Dealing with Unscientific TBT

  5. 但如果我在脸书(Facebook)上做的非科学调查有那么一丁点参考价值的话,我想我们之中仍然有许多人在重拾旧书。

    Yet if my admittedly unscientific research on Facebook is anything to go by , furtive re-readers are everywhere in our midst .

  6. 澄清了对经济全球化和一体化、WTO和知识经济的模糊认识和非科学认识,分析了资本主义强国推行经济全球性的过程。

    It clarifies the hazy and non-scientific understandings to the economy globalization and integration , WTO and the intellectual economy , and analyses the forcing evolution of the capitalism into the global economic system in view of economics .

  7. 墨西哥参议院科学委员会主席FranciscoCastellónFonseca告诉《宇宙报》说,这些观点反映了教育体系有问题,这个体系没有逆转公众接纳神秘思维而非科学思维的策略。

    That the opinions reveal a flawed education system which has no strategy to reverse the public 's acceptance of magic over scientific logic .

  8. FameLab让参与者用不到3分钟的时间向非科学观众和一组专家评委讲述一个科学话题。

    FameLab asks competitors to present a science topic in less than three minutes to a non-scientific audience and a panel of expert judges .

  9. 但这是一场市场心理演练,而非科学试验。

    This is an exercise in market psychology , not science .

  10. 转基因农产品生物安全评价中的非科学因素分析

    Non-scientific Factors Analysis about Biosafety Assessment of Transgenic Agricultural Products

  11. 科学与非科学的硬性划界何以可能

    Forced Delimit Between Science and Nonscience If It Is Possible

  12. “科学”概念已非科学范畴,而是哲学范畴。

    There is a clear demarcation between science and non-science .

  13. 科幻小说中的非科学元素及民族风格的建设

    Non-scientific Elements of Fictions and the Building of National Manners

  14. 关于科学与非科学的划界标准;

    Third Scientific and non-scientific criteria for the demarcation can evidence false ;

  15. 不过通常情况下,种族划分主要为政治原因而非科学。

    But usually dividing races dues to the political-cause rather than science .

  16. 答曰:是诗歌语言的非科学性特征使然。

    The non-scientific nature of poetic language makes it .

  17. 鱼类含有大量我们这些非科学的专业人士称之为;3多元不饱和脂肪酸。

    Fish contains lots of what we non-scientific people call omega-3 fatty acids .

  18. 衡量它们的价值更像是一门艺术而非科学。

    Measuring their value is more art than science .

  19. 信仰有科学与非科学之分。

    Faith can be divided into two groups : scientific ones and non-scientific .

  20. 他还说,而解决方案将是更加偏重政治而非科学的。

    And the solution will be more political than scientific , he adds .

  21. 毕竟,字体设计是一门艺术而非科学。

    After all , font design is an art rather than a science .

  22. 证伪主义对科学的和非科学的经济学命题提出了根本性的分界标准,从而是经济学认识论上的一次革命。

    Falsificationism is a fundamental standard to separate scientific economics propositions from unscientific ones .

  23. 如何理解作为一门科学的医学&关于医学中的非科学与伪科学

    How to Understand the Medicine as A Science

  24. 掌握历史唯物主义历史观是反对各种非科学的历史观的前提;

    Learning Historical Materialism is the prerequisite of objecting any non-scientific view of history .

  25. 心理学研究中的科学方法与非科学方法

    Scientific and Non-scientific methods in Psychological Studies

  26. 论诗歌语言的非科学性

    On the Non-scientific Nature of Poetic Language

  27. 劳拉·波在利用她科学家的地位作了一次非科学的、感情用事的呼吁。

    Laura Bo was using her stature as a scientist to make non-scientific , emotional appeal .

  28. 当然,增税是一项政治决策,而非科学举措。

    The higher tax is , of course , a political decision , not a scientific one .

  29. 这点与非科学假说正好相反,非科学假说最好的例子便是占星术了。

    This should be contrasted with nonscientific programs and the best example of a nonscientific program is astrology .

  30. 一种微小的生命形态(尤其是可致病的细菌);非科学用语。

    A minute life form ( especially a disease-causing bacterium ); the term is not in technical use .