
fēi wǒ mò shǔ
  • 熟语I alone am qualified for the position.
  1. 研究过互联网公司创始人-首席执行官的哈佛教授诺姆•沃瑟曼(NoamWasserman),引用其中一位的话说:我才是拥有远见与渴望来打造一家伟大公司的人,经营公司非我莫属。

    Noam Wasserman , a Harvard professor who studied founder-CEOs of internet companies , quotes one as saying : I 'm the one with the vision and the desire to build a great company – I have to be the one to run it .

  2. 除了没什么政治资历,愤世嫉俗的纽约人对她那天经地义、非我莫属的感觉很看不顺眼。

    Cynical New Yorkers resented her apparent sense of entitlement and her lack of political experience .