
fēi zǒu bù kě
  • must go
非走不可[fēi zǒu bù kě]
  1. 要不是上帝恩赐,我非走不可。

    There , but for the grace of God , go I.

  2. 你非走不可真是件憾事。

    It 's a pity that you should have to leave .

  3. 听到你非走不可,我觉得很伤心。

    It made me sad to hear you have to go away .

  4. 哦,真遗憾,你非走不可呀。

    Oh , it 's a shame that you have to leave .

  5. “我非走不可,而且就要走!”他压低了声音回答。

    I must and shall ! 'he replied in a subdued voice .

  6. 你们非走不可,你们都有工作

    You 'll have to . You both have jobs .

  7. 大姑跟姑丈就是非走不可。

    My aunt and her husband wanted to leave .

  8. 你非走不可

    No , you have to go ... now !

  9. “我非走不可&林惇马上就要来了,”这受惊的闯入者坚持着。

    I must & Linton will be up immediately , 'persisted the alarmed intruder .

  10. 他通过负隅顽抗赚了一把&即使在大家都认定他非走不可之后。

    He profited by holding out and fighting even after everyone knew he was a goner .

  11. 即使我会显得无礼,但恐怕我现在非走不可。

    At the risk of seeming rude , I 'm afraid I have to leave now .

  12. 我非走不可,而且就要走!

    I must and shall !

  13. 中国投资海外铁矿石“这一步”非走不可,但一定要走准走稳。

    China invests the overseas iron ore " this step " must to walk , but must certainly walk walks steadily .

  14. 如果不是到了非走不可,那就请继续靠紧祖国温暖的怀抱吧!

    Unless one has no choice but to leave for good , it is desirable to cling to the bosom of our motherland .

  15. 我们大家清楚了解,美国不是非走下坡不可。

    I want you to understand clearly that America doesn 't have to be in decline .

  16. 我们坚定信念,不管这条路有多艰辛,我们还是要走下去,也非走下去不可,因为信念无敌!

    It is our firm belief that , no matter how difficult the road We still have to go , nor go too , because faith invincible !

  17. 此外,在对外方面,一八三○既已不是革命,并且变成了君主制,它便非跟着欧洲走不可。

    In addition , and beside all this , as it was no longer revolution and had become a monarchy , 1830 was obliged to take precedence of all Europe .