
huánɡ zhǒnɡ rén
  • Mongoloid;person of the yellow race;the yellow race
黄种人 [huáng zhǒng rén]
  • [yellow;the yellow race] 黄皮肤的人

  1. 中国人是黄种人,他们有着黄皮肤和黑眼睛。

    Chinese people belong to the yellow race . They have yellow skin , and black eyes .

  2. 你是黑眼睛、黑头发、黄皮肤,你就是黄种人。

    If you are born with black eyes , black hair and yellow skin , you belong to the yellow race .

  3. 结果与文献报道相符,可见不管是在白人还是在黄种人Ⅱ型糖尿病不和HLA抗原相关。

    The result was in consistent with the literature . Evidently , despite of the races whether Caucasian or Mongolian , HLA antigen is not associate with type ⅱ diabetes mellitus .

  4. n.属,种;种族,人种vi.比速度,参加竞赛世界上主要有三种种族,白种人,黑种人和黄种人。

    race There are mainly three kinds of races in the world , the white race , the black race , and the yellow race .

  5. 【目的】观察评价玻璃体腔注射Bevacizumab治疗黄种人脉络膜新生血管(CNV)的疗效和安全性。

    【 Purpose 】 To observe and evaluate the efficacy and safety of intravitreous injection with Bevacizumab for choroidal neovascularization of yellow race .

  6. 黄种人皮肤色素性疾病的生物医学光子学研究

    Biomedical Photonics Study on Pigmented Skin Diseases of Yellow Race

  7. :属于中国人属于黄种人

    belong to The Chinese belong to the yellow race .

  8. Ar~+激光对黄种人皮肤红斑反应的测定

    Measurement of erythematous reaction by argon laser light for skin of yellow race

  9. 亚洲人大部分属于黄种人。

    Asian people almost belong to the yellow race .

  10. 中国人非白种人是黄种人。

    Chinese is non - white and yellow race .

  11. 我独一喜欢的黄种人就是辛普森一家。

    The only yellow people I love are simpsons .

  12. 中国人属于黄种人。

    The Chinese belong to the yellow race .

  13. 对于黄种人运动员下腰痛的防治工作应更加深入。

    The prevention and treatment in yellow race athletes should be carried out deeply .

  14. 我要向他证明一个黄种人能够拯救他的军队。

    I wished to prove to him that a yellow man could save his armies .

  15. 他是个黄种人。

    He is a yellow race .

  16. 黑色,棕色和黄种人的威胁,偷窃和相互歧视。

    Black , brown and yellow people threatened , stole from and discriminated against each other .

  17. 你是黄种人吗?

    Are you yellow or something ?

  18. 目的:研制适合于检测黄种人活体皮肤及色素性病变皮肤组织吸收光谱的虚拟仪器系统。

    Objective To develop a new absorption spectrum detecting system for Vivo skin and pigment-diseased skin tissue .

  19. 后来,智人又进化出四大人种,他们就是今天的白人、黄种人、棕色人种和黑人。

    Later Homo sapiens evolved four main races ( white , yellow , brown and black ) .

  20. 一群小个子黄种人,穿的是破烂不堪的绿军装,蹲在车上,挤成了一团。

    In the trucks little yellow men in shabby greenish uniforms were squatting , jammed close together .

  21. 在这个世界里有男人也有女人,有白人、黑人,也有黄种人。

    In this world there are men and women , whites and blacks , but also the yellow people .

  22. 我们看到男性、女性、年轻人、老年人、黑种人、黄种人、白种人、陌生人、朋友……

    We see male , female , young , old , black , brown , white , stranger , friend ,

  23. 你也能够去捕获阿兹特克人,明显也有可能你干的不如西班牙人那样好。(我要选黄种人捕捉白种人卖钱可以挖?)

    You can to whale on the Azecs as well although apparently you may not get as lucky as the Spanish did .

  24. 如果你能决定皮肤的颜色,你愿意是白种人,黄种人还是黑种人?

    If you could decide what color of skin , do you want to have white , yellow , red or black ?

  25. 天天晚上洗脚,冬天一周洗一次澡。(除黄种人之外,好像老外个个有狐臭喔!)

    People only shower about once a week during the winter , but they wash their feet every night before going to bed .

  26. 一些中国媒体把刘翔在2004年的胜利当成一种超越,在此之前,黄种人参加田径比赛总是受黑人控制。

    Some Chinese media have described Mr Liu 's win in2004 as a breakthrough for the yellow race in an event dominated by black people .

  27. 我们是黄种人,是炎黄子孙.这种颜色对中国人民来说有着特殊的根源和重要性.

    We are of the yellow race and descendants of the Yellow Emperor.This color has a special origin and great significance for the Chinese people .

  28. 种族划分我是一名国际学生,我来自中国,中国人属于黄种人的类别在种族划分上。

    A ethnicity , I am an international student , I am from China , the Chinese people are yellow on the categories of racial classification .

  29. 在激光美容中,研究黄种人的活体皮肤组织的光吸收作用及其检测平台对基础研究和临床应用具有重要意义。

    In laser cosmetology , light absorption research of yellow races vivi-skin and establishment of detecting platform are of great importance to fundamental research and clinical treatment .

  30. 那些日子将会结束,黑人知道,褐色人知道,红种人知道并且黄种人也知道。

    Those days are over The black man knows it , the brown man knows it , the red man knows it , and the yellow man knows it .