
This can result in an illegal program or have unintended side effects .
Making Use Of The Computer Protection Mechanisms To Prevent Invading Of The Illegal Programs
In order to resist the injury of illegal peripheral programs to the benefits of the game operators and players , which are almost overrunning the market , a strong encryption technique for data of network games based on DES and RSA algorithms is given .
This list is compared through a pre-configured policy to a list of legal and illegal applications .
It also involves determining the good , legal , or invariant program states and the bad or illegal program states .
In Chapter II , it is provided modes and applications of foreign countries , and analysis on their legislative and judicial efforts in procedure establishment .
On the Proof of the Illegal Evidence
The issue is proposed in Chapter I , has introduced the existing situation of illegally obtained evidence exclusionary procedure .
Use due process to control illegal collection of criminal evidence and to exclude the illegally obtained evidence off the trial procedure .
When an exception occurs , such as dividing by zero or an access violation , the result depends on whether the thread has an exception handler .
Conducting research upon the foreign relevant experience , this chapter includes such the launch , hearing , remedy and effect of awards as of the proof of illegal evidence .
I think we can learn from the court to exclude evidence of the illegal program to build the exclusion of illegal evidence in the prosecution process , and design a specific system .
Though multimedia internet computer room has become a prerequisite of modern teaching , there are great many headachy problems in the management of computer room such as modification of register , delete of system , unlawful game program setup and re-setting up the system sometimes .
Burden of proof in the procedure of exclusion of the illegally obtained evidence indicate when the defendant claim that the evidences provided by the prosecutor are illegally obtained , which party shall undertake the burden of proof and to what extend the evidences should be proved .
Through Form Designer and Form Controls Toolbar of VFP , the registration interface of application program can be designed , which can Prevent that illegal user opens application program , and it is able to offer important guarantee for the data safety of users .
On Building Illegal Evidence Exclusion Adjudication Procedure in Criminal Action
To establish and perfect the illegal evidence exclusionary rules in China , the validity of these evidences gained from various channels should be defined exactly . Set up a practical procedure of illegal evidence exclusionary rules by legislation .