
  • 网络Alternative Ways
  1. “道”之实质之三正是“非常道”所在。

    The third essence of " Tao " is also the " special Tao " .

  2. 老天知道,道可道,非常道的道理;

    The heaven knows that Tao that can be spoken of is not true one .

  3. 故云:各种宗教之实质无非是属于“非常道”而已。

    So there is the saying that the essence of all kinds of religions is not but " special Tao " .

  4. 所谓道可道,非常道,尽管图灵没有这种哲学家的超脱,但他的生命实在是不可言说。

    According to his imitation principle , it is quite meaningless to speculate upon his unspoken thoughts . Wovon man nicht sprechen kann , dar ü ber muss man schweigen . But Alan Turing could not possess the philosopher 's detachment from life .

  5. 贝克汉姆在飞机上非常想吃这道美食,于是便在小吃店Tony'sPieandMashShop下了单。

    Beckham was desperate to enjoy the dish on board and he ordered it from Tony 's Pie and Mash Shop .

  6. “太可怕了!这里有巫术。”他非常害怕地自言自语道。

    " How scary ! There is magic here , " he said to himself in great fear

  7. 该药物已经被美国FDA批准用于治疗晚期肾癌和一种非常少见的胃肠道间质肿瘤。

    The treatment has been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of advanced kidney cancer and gastrointestinal stromal tumour , a rare stomach and intestinal cancer .

  8. 电机转子动平衡校正工艺是整个电机转子生产过程中非常关键的一道工序。

    Dynamic balance emendation is a very important working procedure in manufacturing of rotor .

  9. 计算结果表明,本文方法具有工作量少、精度高等优点,非常适合于机场道面工程及其它基础工程。

    The results show that the method has many advantages and is very suited for pavement and other foundation engineerings .

  10. 在二次锂电池生产过程中,化成和容量测试是非常重要的两道工序,对生产设备而言,则主要是电池充放电系统。

    Formation and capacity testing are two important process for the secondary lithium battery production procedure . And the battery charge & discharge system are the key parts for related production equipment .

  11. 宫爆鸡丁是中国人非常喜欢的一道川菜,其实它的做法并不复杂复杂,下面我将介绍它的做法。

    The temple explodes the chicken cube is a Szechwan cuisine that the Chinese like very much , in fact not complicated complications of its way of doing , underneath I will introduce its way of doing .