
It plays a significant role in maintaining family harmony and balancing the interests between the couple and the creditors .
Depending on the applicable cases , conjugal property system is divided into general community property and special community property .
Try to put forward my own views and opinions about establishing and improving our special matrimonial property system on the results of previous studies . To look forward to contributing to improve the legislation of the future matrimonial property system .
Research on the Regime of Unusual Statutory Matrimonial Property
In the construction of the marital infringement damage system , additional marital property system can be produced as the base .
Special community property is a kind of property opposite to general community property and is specified in family laws in many countries .
Special matrimonial regime is regulated in marital Act of many countries in the world , which signifies the perfect of matrimonial property relationship .
Today many countries overseas and in Hong Kong , Macao and the region attach great importance to conjugal rights-related legislation and theoretical research , and research on marital cohabitation scholars of civil law in China is relatively small .
Couples who are very dissatisfied with their relationships typically engage in more negative interactions than positive .
This chapter discusses the creation of very property system , the four aspects , through the legislative proposal to establish a marital tort liability to provide strong protection .
" They are very modern not traditional like Elizabeth I think they a very lovely couple ," said a tourist .