
  1. 眼下就押注住房市场周期中将出现一波长期复苏并不是一件非常靠谱的事情。

    Betting now on a long recovery in the housing cycle is no sure thing .

  2. 它们是非常靠谱的指导手册,告诉你什么样的忧愁才是这个年代流行的。

    They are sensibility manuals ; they show what sort of unhappiness is in style this decade .

  3. 该网站声称,王阳之前已经提供了精确的信息,所以他们才认为这一传闻非常靠谱。

    Originally reported by MobiPicker , the publication claims that Wang has provided accurate information in the past , thereby leading them to conclude that this particular rumor carries more weight than most .

  4. 沃尔弗斯和我都喜欢在日常生活中进行受控实验的想法(直觉有时候非常不靠谱),但他警告说,正确进行这样的实验需要更多的自制力和时间,许多人可能不愿意付出。

    Both Justin and I like the idea of running controlled experiments in everyday life gut feelings can be so misleading but he warns that to do it right takes more discipline and time than many of us might want to deploy .