
  • 网络Very violent
  1. 那是非常暴力和恐怖的经历,但是事实上我并不是一个真正的坏人,尽管我是一个大块头,但是我骨子里是一个性格温和的人。

    It was very violent and intimidating , because I 'm not really a nasty guy , although I 'm quite big but I 'm a gentle giant .

  2. 我记得,我的父亲,他是非常非常暴力的一个人他常打我

    I remember , for example , when my father , who was very , very violent , used to beat me .

  3. 非常暴力血腥,各种外星人,四肢乱飞。

    Really violent . Blood . Aliens . Ripped apart body limbs .

  4. 巴尔表示,人们认真对待塔利班的威胁,因为该组织非常暴力。

    Barr said people take Taliban threats seriously because the group is so violent .

  5. 开场部分非常暴力,尤其是鲜血飞溅,多重谋杀为接下来的街头暴力进行铺垫,尽管说不可否认暴力很适合她,但是让人感觉很不愉快。

    The opening section is actually quite unpleasantly aggressive , particularly the blood spatter and multiple murders set piece for Gang Bang , although its hard to deny that aggression suits her .

  6. 级别4:恣意的而且非常无理的暴力行为

    Level 4 : Wanton and gratuitous violence

  7. 该地区形势非常紧张,暴力活动上升到了几个月来的最高峰。

    It 's here that tensions have spilled over into the worst violence in recent months .

  8. 在利比亚,在这个特殊的时刻,我们面对着可能是非常可怕的暴力。

    In this particular country – Libya ; at this particular moment , we were faced with the prospect of violence on a horrific scale .

  9. PavlosTsimas:“我们发现,人们以非常引人注目,有时非常暴力的方式来自杀,这意味着他们试图将自己的自杀变成一份声明,希望整个世界理解他们的感受有多么糟糕,他们感到多么无助。”

    PAVLOS TSIMAS : " We found out that people killed themselves in a very and sometimes a very violent way , which maybe means that they are trying to make their suicide a statement , want the whole world to understand how badly they feel , how hopeless they have felt . "