
chū xiàn
  • outlet;outgoing line;coil out;out-of-bound;out side;get qualification to play next game;achieve preeminent achievement in the appraisal and comparison of the work
出线 [chū xiàn]
  • (1) [out side;out-of-bound]∶球类比赛中球超出了边线或底线

  • (2) [get qualification to play next game]∶运动员、运动队在初赛、预赛等比赛中取得好成绩,获得参加下一阶段比赛资格

  • (3) [achieve preeminent achivement in the appraisal and comparison of the work]∶借指在评比中取得了超出水平线的成绩

出线[chū xiàn]
  1. 采用这种方法,将遗传算法与有限元分析结合起来,通过VC++6.0和ANSYS对外部文件的读写实现参数的传递,从而完成了对变压器线圈及其出线装置电场的优化设计。

    Then the genetic algorithms and the finite element analysis are integrated to optimize the electric field of UHV transformer coil and outlet device by operating parameter delivery in VC + + 6.0 and ANSYS programming .

  2. SRFCL对高压断路器出线端短路时恢复电压的影响

    Series resonance fault current limiter for recovery voltage after short circuiting of high-voltage circuit breakers at the outlet

  3. 中国女足在半场落后两球的情况下反击,名将王霜贡献了一记进球和一次助攻,最终以4:3的总比分拿下东京奥运会女足亚洲区的入场券。双方首回合较量,中国女足客场2:1获胜,掌握出线主动权。

    Chinese star player Wang Shuang contributed one goal and one assist as the Steel Roses came from 2-0 behind to beat South Korea 4-3 on aggregate in the Olympic Qualification playoffs .

  4. 南韩队以B组第二的成绩出线。

    South Koreaqualified as second in Group B .

  5. 你认为他们会在G组和国米携手出线吗?

    Do you think they will be the team qualifying with FC Internazionale from Group G ?

  6. 结果表明,干扰来自两方面:其一是冲击磁铁(K铁)的脉冲磁场,以及K铁高压引出线周围的电磁波辐射;

    Result showed interference from two aspects ; One is from pulse magnetic field of kicker .

  7. 2022年世界杯的主办国是卡塔尔,在C组3比0轻取不丹之后,轻松跻身小组第一出线。

    Qatar , the 2022 host , has definitely topped Group C with 18 points after easing past Bhutan 3-0 tonight .

  8. 该噪声干扰会沿换流站直流出线和交流出线方向传导,造成对PLC通信系统的干扰。

    The noise propagates along the DC and AC lines , interfering with PLC communication system .

  9. 制备出线宽1μm,宽度5μm的CHINA复杂结构,以及杆间距、层间距均为5μm的三维木堆型光子晶体结构。

    A CHINA model with width of 1 μ m is made , and a wood-pile 3D photonic crystal structure with log and layer space of 5 μ m is fabricated .

  10. 通过在室外晴好天气下搭建平台,模拟出线激光投射大视场物体的情形,并用CMOS相机采集一系列图片。

    An outdoor platform was built to simulate large-visual-angle laser projection , then images were collected by CMOS camera .

  11. 用微量筛选方法和常规筛选方法筛选24种商品药剂,结果表明常规筛选出线的药剂要在微量筛选浓度下出线,活性必须达到C级。

    Insecticides were screened with micro-screening method and traditional screening method . The results showed that the insecticides which were passed with traditional screening method could be passed with micro-screening method when their activity grades were C.

  12. 分析H型桥式驱动电路原理,利用大功率三极管设计出线性度较好的桥式驱动电路,并在电路中设计了电流和电压保护电路。

    According to the principle of the H-bridge driver circuit , a driver circuit is designed using high power triodes , which has a better linearity and contains overcurrent and overvoltage protection circuits .

  13. 66kVPASS开关设备的应用及双层架空出线结构的探讨

    Application of the 66 kV PASS switching equipment and investigation on the structure of double-layer overhead line

  14. 由于受到壳层PEO的保护,这种偶联会产生出线形的或枝状的纳米纤维,而不是不规则的聚集体。

    Modulated by PEO shell , the coupling resulted in linear or branched nanofibers rather than irregular clusters .

  15. 适用于中温烧成制作特种电路的内部连线及端头引出线,PTC热敏电阻及半导体陶瓷器件电极等。

    Firing temperature for the production of special circuits in the internal connection and End Lead , PTC thermistors , and semiconductor ceramic device electrodes .

  16. 两队均渴望以小组第一的身份出线,因为在第二轮的比赛中,都希望与G组的第二西班牙会面,而连实力强大的巴西,也对小组第一的强手,唯恐避之不及。

    Both teams will be keen to finish first in the group , for a likely second-round matchup with Spain awaits the Group G runner-up . And even mighty Brazil might want to sidestep that one .

  17. 500kV变压器出线屏蔽筒悬浮放电缺陷的分析及查找

    Causes of suspended discharge of shield can of 500 kV transformer outgoing line

  18. 10kV配电网架空出线零序电流过滤器的特性

    Filter plexer Characteristics of Zero-sequence Current Filtrator for Overhead Feeder in 10 kV Distribution Networks

  19. 巴西和墨西哥领跑A组。用新式打法击败卫冕冠军西班牙后,智利得以出线B组。哥伦比亚领衔C组。乌拉圭使英格兰从D组淘汰,并为自己同哥斯达黎加一同晋级创造了机会。

    Brazil and Mexicolead Group A. Having so stylishly seen off the defending champions , Chile are already through in Group B. Columbia lead Group C. Uruguay have eliminated England from Group D and now have the chance to progress with Costa Rica .

  20. 由浏览器通过Web访问的方式实现负控终端的远程监控,对配电网中的电压、电流、三相总的有功电量、无功电量、环网柜电缆出线故障及负荷情况进行监控。

    The load control terminal can be monitored by means of Web access of browser , the remote monitoring of the voltage , current , total active and reactive electricity quantities of threes phases , fault of the power cable and load condition is implemented .

  21. 电力系统综合负荷建模中10kV出线的功率因数辨识算法

    Identification Algorithms of Power Factors for 10 kV Feeders in Synthetic Load Modeling of Power System

  22. 先来看足球。本周二,欧冠联赛卫冕冠军拜仁慕尼黑(BayernMunich)和曼城(ManchesterCity)双双获胜,率先D组出线进入欧冠淘汰赛。

    We start with football , and the European Champions League . The holders Bayern Munich and Manchester City are through to the knockout stage from Group D after both recorded wins on Tuesday .

  23. 220kV变电站主变后备保护与10kV侧出线保护配合问题的探讨

    Discussion on coordination of 220 kV substation main transformer back-up protection and the protection of 10 kV side

  24. GG-1A型开关柜由架空出线改造为电缆出线的方案

    Schemes for converting overhead-outlet metal-enclosed switchgear type GG-1A into cable-outlet switchgear

  25. 在最大程度地发挥广州蓄能水电厂大容量优势的同时,防止A,B厂500kV出线过载,为广州蓄能水电厂A,B厂各设计了一套UFV2C型稳定控制联切装置。

    A UFV-2C stabilized control intertripping device is designed for Guangzhou Pumped-storage Power Station A and B respectively to prevent 500 kV outlets overload while giving full play to the large capacity advantage of Guangzhou Pumped-storage Power Station .

  26. 站址靠近负荷的中心,110kv进线及10kv电缆出线较为方便。

    The station site is near the load center , which is convenient for110kv incoming and10kv cable outgoing .

  27. 当馈线远方终端(FTU)拒动或通讯中断时,变电站馈出线的保护可作为远后备。

    When feeder terminal unit ( FTU ) fails to act or communicate is interrupted , the feeder protection in the substation can backup .

  28. 三峡电厂配套的500kV出线将采用双回同塔方式。

    The outgoing 500 kV lines set-completing for Three Gorgers Power Plant will adopt the pattern of double-circuit towers .

  29. 35kV系统由于一般出线较长,增装消弧线圈是有效的,对系统的安全运行十分有利。

    Adding arc-suppression coil in long-outlet-line 35 kV system is effective , which can ensure the system stable operation .

  30. 唯一主张这么做的党派是自由民主党(LiberalDemocrats),它弱小到无法在联邦众议院获得哪怕一个席位,连要在州级选举中出线都不容易。

    the only party to do so , the Liberal Democrats , is too small to have a seat in the Bundestag , and is fighting for its life in state-level elections .