
chū pǐn rén
  • producer;publisher
  1. 由《X档案》出品人再次操刀推出的科幻电视剧《以后》(TheAfter);

    The After , a sci-fi drama from the creator of The X-Files ;

  2. 奥斯卡奖得主,剧集《纸牌屋》(HouseofCards)联合出品人凯文o史派西去年就这一话题发表了一场震动媒体世界的演讲。

    Academy award winner and House of Cards co-creator Kevin Spacey gave a seminal speech on this topic that rocked the media world last year .

  3. 凯拉·奈特利之前和男演员鲁伯特·弗兰德(RupertFriend)交往几年,分手后,去年2月经由电视出品人艾莉克莎·陈(AlexaChung)介绍认识现男友詹姆斯·莱顿。

    The London-born star , 27 , started dating the 28-year-old keyboard player last year after being introduced by mutual friend Alexa Chung .

  4. 郑晓龙仍是美版《甄嬛传》的总导演。前福克斯(Fox)电视台电视剧部门的主管,2012年获五项艾美奖的著名电视剧出品人丹妮尔·伍德罗也将加入制作团队。

    Well-known drama producer Danielle Woodrew , who formerly was in charge of Fox drama department and who received five Emmy awards in 2012 , are in the production team as well .

  5. 艾米·华尔,白天是电视新闻出品人和新闻编辑室经理,晚上是作家和诗人。

    Amy Wall is a writer and a poet by night , and a TV news producer and newsroom manager by day .

  6. 对此,出品人之一黄百鸣回答说,甄子丹给自己开出的价码已经是折后的友情价。

    In this regard , one produced WONG Pak-ming said that Donnie Yen himself out after the price is already a discount price of friendship .

  7. 你之前从未有过任何剧情长片的拍摄经验那怎样把出品人和监制的工作办妥?

    As someone who has never actually produced a feature length movie before , how did you handle this job and make sure everything was under your control ?

  8. 这个纽约品牌的出品让人感觉它的设计师一时兴起,而不拘泥于传统。

    The New York label has always managed to produce stuff that feels designed with intention , rather than by rote filling-the-blanks .

  9. 从本田出品的类人机器人阿西莫到厨师机器人-摩托曼,再到能为老年人排解寂寞的毛绒绒机器人帕罗,日本因为这些高水平的机器人而久负盛名。

    Japan is already famous for highly sophisticated robots , from Honda 's humanoid Asimo to pancake-flipping chef Motoman to Paro the fluffy robot seal that helps ease loneliness among the elderly .