
  • I am a legend;I'm legend
  1. 弗朗西斯·劳伦斯当时已经执导过威尔·史密斯(WillSmith)坐镇的后末日巨作《我是传奇》(IAmLegend),他说,当雅克布逊女士同他接触时,他一开始非常犹豫。

    Mr. Lawrence , who had already established his post-apocalyptic directing credentials in the Will Smith vehicle " I Am Legend , " said that he was at first hesitant when Ms. Jacobson approached him .

  2. 主演《我是传奇》的威尔?史密斯名列第五。

    Will smith & star of " I am legend " rounded out the top five .

  3. 主演《我是传奇》的威尔•史密斯名列第五。

    Will Smith -- star of " I Am Legend " rounded out the top five .

  4. 最新发行的影片《我是传奇》(1954年理查德•马西森著)中,类似于僵尸的突变体是在癌症的治疗实验中产生的。

    In the most recent film version of " I Am Legend "( a1954 story by Richard Matheson ), the zombie-like mutants are the result of an attempt to cure cancer .

  5. 首先,让我们回到距今已有45年的1968年。这部电影由名为《我是传奇》的科幻小说改编而成,仅耗资11.5万美元。

    First though , we go back some 45 years to 1968 to a black-and-white film , made for just $ 115,000 , loosely based on a sci-fi novel I Am Legend .

  6. 同时,德尔·托罗还因为同样的原因婉拒了《我是传奇》(2007)、《鬼来电》(2008)以及《哈利波特与混血王子》(2009)的执导工作。

    Also , Del Toro turned down I Am Legend ( 2007 ), One Missed Call ( 2008 ), and Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince ( 2009 ) for the same reason .

  7. 维罗•史密斯:《我是传奇》在推出她朗朗上口的单曲《甩头发》之前,这位11岁的年轻的时尚专家,在父亲威尔•史密斯2007年的科幻电影中饰演了一位努力研究治愈致命病毒方法的科学家的女儿。

    WILLOW SMITH : I AM LEGENDBefore releasing her catchy tune " Whip My Hair , " the young style maven , 11 , had a small part playing the daughter of a scientist struggling to find a cure for a deadly plague in her father Will Smith 's 2007 sci-fi drama .

  8. 我是经典传奇故事,我从野鸡变凤凰。

    I 'm the legendary3 story of rags to riches .

  9. 最终,我意识到我不仅仅帮助了别人,通过服务,我找到了包容我的社区,属于我的教堂以及我一直寻找的方向;通过服务,我发现我的故事是美国传奇中的一部分。

    And eventually , I realized that I wasn 't just helping other people & through service , I also found a community that embraced me , a church to belong to and the direction I 'd been seeking .