
  • 网络I will wait
  1. 你坐牢时我会等你的。

    And I will wait for you while you 're in jail .

  2. 明天拂晓我会等你。

    I will wait for you tomorrow at dawn .

  3. 我会等他重新回到我的身边。

    I will , and so he returned to my side .

  4. 我会等咱们到加油站时才靠边停。

    I 'll wait until we get to a gas station .

  5. 哪天你进去了,我会等着你的。

    Someday you 'll walk in , I 'll be waiting .

  6. 我会等。还要等多久?

    I 'll wait . How much longer will it be ?

  7. 我会等你打电话来道歉的。

    I 'll be waiting by the phone for your apology .

  8. 我会等着你永远如果我有机会!

    I will waiting for you forever if I have the chance !

  9. 我会等的。不过,我们也喝点咖啡吧。

    I can wait . Well , let 's drink some coffee .

  10. 我会等着,你确定能签好就行。

    I 'll just wait , make sure it 's signed right .

  11. 就让他这样慢慢来,我会等的。

    Just , just let it come . I 'll wait for it .

  12. 到时我会等你的,好吧?

    I 'll wait for you then , okay ?

  13. 我会等着你的,我向你保证!

    I 'll wait for you , I promise you , I will .

  14. 明天下午4点钟我会等你。

    I 'll be expecting you at4:00 tomorrow afternoon .

  15. 我会等着内部情报到我手里的。

    And I 'll wait for the Intel to fall in my hands .

  16. 务必八点钟来,我会等你的。

    Be sure to come at eight . I 'll be expecting you .

  17. 不要因为你知道我会等你,就这样让我等下去。

    Don 't make me wait for you just because you know I will .

  18. 要多玩就得多晚。而且我会等你的。

    And I 'll be waiting for you .

  19. 我会等你,直到死亡。

    I will be waiting , until death .

  20. 我会等他的来电。

    I 'll await his return call .

  21. 我会等搜救犬来。

    I 'd wait for the dogs .

  22. 我会等上几个月。

    I 'd wait a few months .

  23. 但我会等着你赴约的

    But I -- I 'm -- I 'm gonna hold you to our date .

  24. 到那时,我会等�

    Until then , I 'll be waiting

  25. 我会等着他们的

    I 'll Be Waiting For Them

  26. 汤姆:好,那我会等你。

    Tom : Okay , well , then I just , I 'll wait for you ...

  27. 我会等�

    I 'll be waiting for you

  28. 在戏剧中,女主角也许会说:我会等你,直到永远。

    In a drama , the heroine may say : I 'll wait for you and forever .

  29. 那,我会等你,你一看完就上来。

    Well , I 'll be waiting for you , just come up when you 're done .

  30. “一年时间并不算长,”萨布莱娜低声说,“我会等你。”

    " A year is not so long ," Sabrina murmured . " I would wait . "