
  1. 我们结束了朝鲜战争。

    We ended the Korean war .

  2. Susan,我们结束了。

    Susan , it 's over . On every level .

  3. 他们应该参与并交付他们的RFE,当我们结束了产品发布后,他们将搞清楚RFE将具体参与实际产品的什么角色。

    You know , they would go in and submit their RFEs and at the end of the day , after we would close to a product release , they 'll then figure out what exact RFEs went into the actual product .

  4. 我们结束了一场战争,另一场也接近尾声。

    We ended one war and began to wind down another .

  5. 他正在申请离婚。我们结束了!

    He 's filing for divorce . The marriage is over !

  6. 我们结束了,我认为不错。

    I think we 're done . I think that 's good .

  7. 你却告诉我我们结束了?

    And you have the balls to tell me it 's off ?

  8. 他人很好,但我们结束了。

    He is so great . But that 's over .

  9. 大约十一点半,我们结束了劳动。

    At about half past eleven , we finished working .

  10. 我跟你什么都不是泰勒我们结束了

    We 're nothing , Tyler . We 're done .

  11. 星期四,我们结束了旅行回家,并带了许多礼物。

    On Thursday , we returned home with many gifts from our trip .

  12. 贝蒂:你说什么?马特:我们结束了。

    Betty : What are you saying ? Matt : We 're over .

  13. 我们结束了那个时期的社会动荡和纷扰不安的局面。

    We have put an end to the social unrest and upheaval of that time .

  14. 我们结束了然而却仍在愚弄着自己你看我们都做了些什么?

    We 've gone and made such fools Of ourselves Do you see what we 've done ?

  15. 我问他缓和下来一点,那就是我们结束了。

    I asked him to tone it down a bit , and that 's where we ended out .

  16. 我们结束了越南战争我们结束了核对峙美国确保了民权

    We ended the war in Vietnam , we ended the nuclear stalemate the United States secured civil rights .

  17. 我们结束了美国能源战争,结束了对美丽清洁的煤的战争。

    We have ended the war on American energy , and we have ended the war on beautiful clean coal .

  18. 船员们不会讲英语,在一个小时的晃动乘快艇我们结束了在一个未知的岛屿。

    The boat crew spoke no English and after an hour of bouncing around in a speedboat we ended up on an unknown island .

  19. 在我的第一任期我们结束了伊拉克战争,在第二任期,我们会打赢圣诞之战(共和党上纲上线捏造的战争)。

    In my first term , we ended the war in Iraq ; in my second term , I will win the war on Christmas .

  20. 这些变化都发生在最近四年我们结束了伊拉克战争我们也将结束阿富汗战争

    And that 's all changed within the last four years We 've ended the war in Iraq and we will end the war in Afghanistan .

  21. 这辆路虎上还写了“我们结束了”,这句话证实了一个事实--如果有任何存留的疑点的话--那就是这两个人的关系结束了。

    The words It 's over were also sprayed on the Range Rover , confirming-if there was any lingering doubt-that the relationship between the two was over .

  22. 一旦我们结束了,多电子原子的讨论,我们马上就可以,开始讨论这些问题。

    So , one we finish our discussion of how we think about multi-electron atoms , we can go right on and start talking about these other things .

  23. 我们结束了我们的完美关系,我们就没有理由修剪指甲了,只有巧克力和糖会给我们带来些安慰。

    If we break up our perfect relationship , then we have no reason to get our nails done anymore and the only thing that gives us comfort is chocolate and sugar .

  24. 今晚,我们结束了一个历史性的旅程,同时我们进入了一个崭新的,将给美国带来一个全新的、更好的日子的旅程。

    " Tonight , we mark the end of one historic journey with the beginning of another , a journey that will bring a new and better day to America ," he said .

  25. 至于吸收外部投资,我们近期结束了价值3百万美元的,投资,由Sequoia,Capital牵头。

    In terms of taking outside investment , we recently closed on a three-million-dollar series of rounds lead by Sequoia Capital .

  26. 现在,我们已经结束了ext3的报道。

    We 've now concluded our coverage of ext3 .

  27. 我希望别人可以告诉他我们之间结束了。

    I want someone else to tell him it 's over .

  28. 我们刚刚结束了以“美好生活”为主题的农村儿童绘画比赛。

    We just completed a rural children 's drawing competition on better life .

  29. 我们刚刚结束了一场有趣的谈话。

    We 'd just finished a most interesting discussion .

  30. 我们刚刚结束了成就斐然的一天。

    We have just concluded an enormously productive day .