
  1. 爱情本来就一场戏,只是我入戏太深。

    Love is a drama , I just too deep into the drama .

  2. 嬉皮士们都看过来了,好像我们入戏太深似的。

    Hipsters are starting to look at us like we 're trying too hard .

  3. 你是否已经入戏太深,忘掉了自在幸福的本质?

    Have you been too involved in acting to be aware of the essence of ease and happiness ?

  4. 因为大家只是入戏太深了,但我和孝全就是普通朋友,如此而已!

    Because everyone is too engaged in the show 's storyline , Joseph and I are simply friends , and that 's all !