
  • All right;Okay;OK
  1. 好吧,我愿意原谅你。

    All right , I 'll forgive you

  2. 他作抚慰状地举起一只手说:“好吧,我们看看我们能做什么。”

    He raised a placatory hand . ' All right , we 'll see what we can do . '

  3. 啊,那好吧,如果你坚持的话。

    Oh , very well , then , if you insist .

  4. 那好吧,你要把桌子放在哪里呢?

    Right then , where do you want the table to go ?

  5. 好吧,我想可以在3:45见你。

    Well , I suppose I could fit you in at 3.45 .

  6. 好吧,我听候你的吩咐。

    Well , I 'm at your disposal .

  7. 好吧!我们八点钟见。

    Achcha ! We 'll meet at eight .

  8. 好吧,我承认那件事我办得很不漂亮。

    OK , I admit it was not the smartest thing I ever did .

  9. “好吧,不过只能待一会儿。”她最后终于答应了。

    ' Well , just for a little while then , ' she said , finally relenting .

  10. “我很想听听,不过我已经晚了。”“好吧,我以后再告诉你。”

    ' I 'd love to hear about it , but I 'm late already . ' ' That 's OK ─ it 'll keep .

  11. 好吧,也许我在那件事上使你为难了。

    Well , maybe I stumped you on that one .

  12. 好吧,如果你想走,就走吧。

    Very well , if you want to go , go you shall

  13. 好吧,谁想要吐司三明治?

    Right , who 's for a toasted sandwich then ?

  14. 好吧,谢谢你和我们谈话。

    Well , thank you for speaking with us .

  15. “好吧,”我说道,“听你的。”

    ' All right ' , I said . ' You win ' .

  16. “好吧,你说什么都行,”他和气地同意了。

    ' OK , whatever you say , ' he had agreed peaceably .

  17. 好吧,小家伙,我给你支点招儿。

    Well , sonny , I 'll give you a bit of advice .

  18. 那好吧,随你的便。就那样吧。

    All right then , have it your way . Be like that .

  19. 好吧,关于生产商就讲这么多,那关于消费者呢?

    Well , so much for the producers . But what of the con-sumers ?

  20. 我想文德尔小姐一切都好吧?

    Fraulein Wendel is well , I hope ?

  21. “好吧,请继续,”卡米拉用很沉着的语气说道。

    ' Well , go on , ' said Camilla , her voice fairly steady

  22. “我以后会作解释的。”——“那好吧。”

    ' I 'll explain later . ' — ' All right then . '

  23. 好吧,不管怎样,还是要感谢你所做的一切。

    Well , at any rate , let me thank you for all you did .

  24. 好吧,如果你不想告诉我,可以什么也不说。

    Well , you needn 't tell me anything if you don 't want to .

  25. “好吧”,他终于开口道,“你可以走了。”

    ' All right ' , he said at last . ' You may go . '

  26. 麦克明不情愿地说:“好吧,我可以出5镑。”

    ' All right , I can manage a fiver , ' McMinn said with reluctance .

  27. “家里人都好吧?”——“都好,谢谢。”

    ' How 's the family ? ' — ' Just fine , thank you . '

  28. “好吧,”我边说边紧张不安地把香烟在花岗岩台阶上捻灭。

    ' Well , ' I said , grinding my cigarette nervously into the granite step .

  29. “好吧”,马克斯说,“回到正题上来。”

    ' Now then , ' Max said , ' to get back to the point . '

  30. 孩子们都好吧?

    How are the children ?