
xù móu yǐ jiǔ
  • Long premeditated;keep on plotting for a long time;a long-cherished plot;has been deliberately planned over a long period of time;have plotted for a long time
蓄谋已久[xù móu yǐ jiǔ]
  1. 杀害总统的企图蓄谋已久。

    There has been an attempt on the President 's life .

  2. 我知道她蓄谋已久。

    I knew she was up to something .

  3. 激进分子散步言论,这一天已经蓄谋已久,他们本应该在更小的公园行动。

    Activists are observing the day with speech and performance about at much small park .

  4. 恐怖行为都是蓄谋已久的,一击就能致命,而且对各个行业都会产生恶劣的影响。

    S : terrorist acts are deliberate and deadly and can affect every walk of life .

  5. 中日甲午战争是日本帝国主义者对中国发动的一场蓄谋已久的侵略战争。

    The Sino-Japanese War of1894 ~ 1895 was launched by Japanese imperialists after longtime plotting to invade China .

  6. 无辜的不幸者被意外的灾厄或深思熟虑且蓄谋已久的主使所伤。

    The innocent Unfortunate is harmed by accidental Misfortune or by a deliberate Master who should know better .

  7. 美利坚合众国突然遭到了日本蓄谋已久的海、军的袭击。

    The United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the empire Japan .

  8. 土耳其坚持认为1915年的死者是死于战争,而不是蓄谋已久的种族灭绝运动的受害者。

    Turkey insists that those who died in1915 were casualties of war , not victims of a deliberate campaign of genocide .

  9. 那时候,他给了我一本关于爱尔兰的书,现在想起来,他其实蓄谋已久。

    At that time , he gave me a book about Ireland , which , now I am thinking was a long-established plan .

  10. 随后,另一名乘客和一位空姐也加入了聊天。他们渐渐意识到这并非巧合,而是一场蓄谋已久的复仇。

    When another passenger and an airline stewardess chime in , they gradually realize this is not a coincidence but is rather premeditated revenge .

  11. 巴基斯坦国内政局一直处于动荡不安的局面,东巴基斯坦局势的恶化给蓄谋已久的印度提供了一个发动战争的绝好机会。

    The domestic condition of Pakistan was turbulent , which provided India a great opportunity to launch an attack in order to make it weaker .

  12. 尽管外部人士不可能确定普京到底是何时决定对乌克兰采取行动的,但人们的一个共识是,这一行动蓄谋已久。

    While it is impossible for outsiders to tell when Mr Putin decided to move on Ukraine , there is consensus that it was long planned .

  13. 葡人在战争结束之后立即加紧了侵占澳门的步伐,在推行了一系列殖民扩张的政策之后,最终于1849年抢夺了对澳门的管治权,实现了其蓄谋已久的侵占澳门的企图。

    Portuguese accelerated to occupy Aomen after the war and eventually snatched the jurisdiction to Aomen and achieved their long premeditated attempt in 1849 after a series of colonial expansion policies .

  14. 刘濞蓄谋叛乱,为时已久。于公元前154年以“诛晃错,清君侧”为名,串通楚、赵、胶西、胶东、菌川、济南六国的诸侯王,发动了联合叛乱。

    Having been plotting for a long time , in 154 B. C. , Liu Bi allied with kingdoms of Chu , Zhao , Jiaodong , Jiaoxi , Zichuan , and Jinan staged a revolt , in the name of getting rid of Chao Cuo .