
  • 网络sabotage;Vandalism;deliberate destruction;mayhem
  1. 密探因犯有蓄意破坏罪而被捕。

    The secret agent was arrested on a charge of sabotage .

  2. 那家工厂的火灾是有人蓄意破坏引起的。

    The fire at the factory was caused by sabotage .

  3. 供水主管道被叛乱分子蓄意破坏了。

    The main pipeline supplying water was sabotaged by rebels .

  4. 抗议者绝大多数没有投掷石头和蓄意破坏。

    Protesters largely forbore from stone-throwing and vandalism .

  5. 例如,2005年11月,CIA蓄意破坏了一个泰国秘密黑牢里实施刑讯的录像。

    For example , in November 2005 , the CIA destroyed tapes that it had made of torture at a secret black site in Thailand .

  6. 调查人员愈发怀疑马来西亚航空(MalaysiaAirlines)失联370航班上的多个通讯系统是被人为破坏的,如果真是这样,则蓄意破坏的人需要对波音(BoeingCo.)777客机的内部情况拥有详细的知识。

    If multiple communication systems aboard Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 were manually disabled , as investigators increasingly suspect happened , it would have required detailed knowledge of the long-range Boeing Co. 777 's inner workings .

  7. 反对派一名发言人指控卡扎菲的特工蓄意破坏。反叛力量过渡国民委员会负责人MustafaAbdulJalil坚持称,卡扎菲的忠实者必须停止与他狼狈为奸,否则将自食其果。

    A rebel spokesman accused Gadhafi " agents " of The head of the rebel Transitional National Council , Mustafa Abdul Jalil , insisted that Gadhafi 's loyalists must stop collaborating with him , or face the consequences .

  8. 他以蓄意破坏他人财产罪逮捕了被摔得晕头转向的三名歹徒。

    He arrested the dazed trio for malicious destruction of property .

  9. 台湾分裂势力蓄意破坏一个中国原则。

    Separatist forces in Taiwan are bent on violating the one-China principle .

  10. 发生好几起对电台财产的蓄意破坏。

    Several acts of sabotage are committed against radio station .

  11. 只要没人再蓄意破坏,是吧?

    As long as nobody sabotages this one as well , huh ?

  12. 对环境的这种蓄意破坏是一件可憎的事。

    Such deliberate destruction of the environment is an obscenity .

  13. 从证据来看,最靠谱的猜测是蓄意破坏。

    The most reasonable assumption , given the evidence , is sabotage .

  14. 尽管里克现在很混乱,但蓄意破坏,袭击斯科特也太过火了

    We knew Rick was troubled , but sabotage ? Attacking Scott ?

  15. 另外,你认为那真的是蓄意破坏吗?

    Besides , are you sure it 's sabotage ?

  16. 加利福尼亚州民主党亨利·韦克斯曼认为这项法案是蓄意破坏。

    Californian Democrats Henry Waxman deem the bill sabotage .

  17. 第一告你蓄意破坏他人赌场。

    One , you 've destroyed a casino .

  18. 蓄意破坏或使人损失财产的人。

    Someone who willfully destroys or defaces property .

  19. 这家商店因为遭到蓄意破坏而关闭。

    The shop was closed due to vandalism .

  20. 这种蓄意破坏的行为是由于一个器械运输过程中的微小损坏。

    This deliberate crazy act was caused by the slight transportation damage of this equipment .

  21. 与那些蓄意破坏法律的涂鸦人有很大的区别。

    There 's a big difference between that and those who intentionally break the law .

  22. 现实中,女人对女人可能的确会很残忍,有些女人还会蓄意破坏其他女人的成功。

    Women can be cruel to each other Women can deliberately sabotage each other 's success .

  23. 他们以蓄意破坏罪被起诉。

    They were accused of sabotage .

  24. 最佳关联性达到最小值的过程;对互明认知环境的蓄意破坏过程。

    The maximum relevance in the lowest state , and deliberate deviation of the mutual cognitive environment .

  25. 将它们综合起来恰当地实现,会将未被发现的非蓄意破坏发生的可能性几乎减少到零。

    Taken together and implemented properly , they reduce the chance of undetected , unintentional damage to essentially zero .

  26. 其中13起事故是蓄意破坏导致的,两起是劫机,一起是飞机被击落。

    Of these , 13 were caused by sabotage , two more by hijacks and one was shot down .

  27. 一位高级铁路官员排除了蓄意破坏的可能性,表示车轨的问题是造成此次事故的原因。

    A senior railway official ruled out sabotage , saying a faulty track was believed to have caused the crash .

  28. 本周二参加揭幕仪式的政治家们担心,纪念碑群向公众开放后,会招致某些德国人的蓄意破坏。

    While the memorial will be greeted by many Germans it may attract vandals , said the politician who unveiled it tuesday .

  29. 数百万阿富汗人民不顾蓄意破坏阿富汗民主进程的塔利班暴力参加了选举。

    Millions of Afghan men and women participated in the elections despite the Taliban violence directed at disrupting Afghanistan 's democratic process .

  30. 飞行途中发生的事故,蓄意破坏是最大的原因。一家航空杂志《环球飞行》的记者马克思金斯利琼斯在报道中这样写。

    Sabotage is the single-biggest reason for en-route accidents , writes Max Kingsley-Jones , a reporter for Flight Global , an aviation magazine .