
xù jī zhònɡ dú
  • cumulative intoxication
  1. 30d喂养试验显示角燕胶囊无毒性,无体内蓄积中毒。

    The 30 days feeding test showed that the Mobulidae Capsule have no cumulate toxicity in mice .

  2. 日粮铜达到400mg/kg便会对肉用乌骨鸡产生蓄积性中毒,日粮含铜200mg/kg对肉用乌骨鸡有促生长作用。

    As long as the content of copper in diet of black bone broiler was over 400 mg / kg , cumulating poisoning would occur . However 200 mg / kg copper in diet could promote black bone broilers growth .

  3. 为了确定该药反复使用有无蓄积性中毒作用及最大无作用量,作者以大鼠和狗进行为期28天的长期毒性试验。

    In order to confirm whether the solution can cause accumulative toxic symptoms when it is used repeatedly and the maximum dosage is used with no side effects we carried out the experiments in toxicity for 28 days with rats and dogs .

  4. 它是人类长期生活于高氟环境中,吸入高氟污染的空气或摄入氟含量较高的食物及饮水而导致的全身慢性蓄积性中毒。

    It is caused by a long-term living in the high fluoride environment and the inhalation of polluted air or intake of food or water polluted by fluoride . As a result , it turns out to be a state of chronic systematic poisoning .

  5. 鸡阿奇霉素急性、蓄积性、慢性中毒的病理学研究

    Pathology of the Acute Toxicity , Accumulative Toxicity and Chronic Toxicity of Azithromycin in Experimental Chickens