
xù diàn
  • electric power storage;storage;accumulation
蓄电[xù diàn]
  1. 新颖性–电子控制单元(ECU)(4)产生电功率命令值,指示了蓄电模块(10-1)电功率输入-输出的目标值。

    NOVELTY-An electronic control unit ( ECU )( 4 ) generates electric power command value indicating target value of electric power input-output with respect to electrical storage module ( 10-1 ) .

  2. 纳米线具有蓄电和传输方面的若干理想特性。

    Nanowires possess several ideal characteristics for electric storage and transmission .

  3. 主要供电由2台12KW的柴油发电机轮换工作,两组48V的蓄电瓶作为备用和给通信设备48V电源供电。

    The main power supply is provided by two diesel generators alternately , two bank of 48V accumulators are used as spare power and provide power for 48V electrical source of communication devices .

  4. 去年的苹果6s处理器较之前提速70%,但是还是一样有蓄电不足的问题,多亏了软件的升级,提升了蓄电能力。

    Last year 's iPhone 6s featured an updated processor that Apple said was 70 % faster than its predecessor . It also bumped the graphical power and , thanks to some software changes , upped the amount of time it could go between charges .

  5. 蓄电型机械冷藏车探索

    Exploring the Mechanical Refrigerator Car of Electricity Storage Type

  6. 简述发展大规模蓄电的液流蓄电池

    Developing Flow Battery for Large Scale Energy Storage

  7. 但目前的液流电化学储能体系是以大规模蓄电为主要特征的,不适合需要大功率的应用场合。

    The flow system , however , was used mainly for a large-scale energy storage .

  8. 莱顿瓶的用途是能蓄电。

    The use of the Leyden jar was that it enables electricity to be stored .

  9. 介绍了该蓄电池的结构特点、蓄电池的充电、蓄电地的故障诊断及蓄电池的正确使用。

    Structure features , charg - ing , faulty diagnosis and usage of the battery are introduced .

  10. 铅酸蓄电池蓄电容量测试是了解蓄电池正常运行的一个重要组成部分。

    VRLA battery storage battery capacity test is to understand the normal operation of an important part .

  11. 新颖性–确定单元能判断蓄电设备的内部温度是否处于低温状态。

    NOVELTY-A determination unit determines whether inside temperature of an electrical storage apparatus is in cold condition .

  12. 如果没有发电机,则应该配备有自动充电能力的蓄电系统。

    If a generator is not provided , a battery system with automatic charging features should be provided .

  13. 对音响进行改装后,一定要注意加大电池的蓄电量,可以更换一个电池。

    The sound system after modified , be sure to note that increase the storage battery power , can change a battery .

  14. 通过使用蓄电设备的供电模式,发动机的启动操作会消耗蓄电设备中的电能。

    The operation of electric power generator starts by consuming storage electric power of electrical storage apparatus using an electrical storage apparatus supply pattern .

  15. 实验表明,该充电装置充电性能理想,能提高蓄电容量和蓄电池使用寿命。

    The results of experiment indicate that the charging device has ideal charging property , which can increase storing capacity and prolong storage battery life .

  16. 在这张照片上,他和他高度自创的镍铁蓄电电池站在一起。该电池主要提供给摩托车使用。

    On this cover , he is pictured with his highly innovative , nickel – iron storage battery , made primarily for use in motor vehicles .

  17. 在电动汽车充电站中增加蓄电系统,可实现调节电网峰谷的电能,以减少电网电能的浪费。

    In order to regulate electrical energy of the peak and valley and decrease electric power waste of grid , it is necessary to increase power storage system in EV charging station .

  18. 同时介绍钒电池制备和应用时的三大技术关键及一定的解决方法。大规模蓄电储能全钒液流电池研究进展

    In the meanwhile , the three key technologies of developing vanadium redox flow cell and the way to the problem are put forward . Review of R & D status of vanadium redox battery

  19. 分析了风能特点和风力发电系统的工作原理,设计了蓄电型离网风力发电系统及其控制器的整体设计。

    The research contents of the article include : ( 1 ) Analyzed the characteristic of wind power and the principle of the Stand-alone wind generation system , designed a kind of direct current line system for the wind power .

  20. 不过他们表示,可能至少还需10年的工作,才能将该电池变为可用于汽车和电网蓄电的商业电池。电网蓄电装置用于存储太阳能和风能发电站间歇发出的电力,以便在需要的时候使用。

    But they say at least another decade of work is likely to be required to turn it into a commercial battery for cars and for grid storage - storing the intermittent output of solar and wind generators for use when needed .

  21. 天宫二号由两个舱体组成,分别具有不同的功能--实验舱是密封的,将会作为宇航员们的生活区;而资源舱内有太阳能电池板、蓄电电池、推进剂和发动机。

    The Tiangong II consists of two cabins with separate functions - the experiment cabin will be hermetically sealed and will act as the astronauts ' living quarters , while the resource cabin will contain solar panels , storage batteries , propellant and engines .

  22. 我们有点儿难过,因为一切都运行完美:电池在蓄电,阳光充足,飞行员健康状况良好,状态也好&方方面面都不错,诺伊曼说。

    " We are a little bit sad , because everything 's functioning perfectly : The batteries are charging , there 's enough sun , the pilot is in good health , he 's in good condition & it 's all working well ," Neumann said .

  23. 它的机翼上集成了200平方米供锂离子电池蓄电的太阳能电池面板,其作用是夜间也能保障飞行。而四个电机使得这架飞机的巡航速度达每小时140公里,在平均海拔8500米的高度。

    The wings provide about 200 square meters of space for solar cells that charge lithium-ion batteries , needed to keep it flying at nightIts four electric motors allow it to cruise at a speed of up to 140 kilometers per hour , at an average altitude of 8500 meters .