
  • 网络Internet Rumors;Digital wildfire
  1. 第三部分是网络谣言的防范和治理对策。

    The third part is the prevention and control measures of Internet rumors .

  2. 第二部分是网络谣言的社会危害及产生原因。

    The second part is the main reason for the proliferation of Internet rumors .

  3. “网络谣言”另外一个比较低调的说法是digitalmisinformation。不过,用火来做比喻似乎更加引人注意,而且这个说法巧妙地将传播误导性事实带来的破坏性结果比作野火烧过后留下的残迹。

    The concept underpinned of fire seems much more appealing however , aptly comparing the damage caused by the spread of misleading facts to the trail of destruction left in the wake of a wildfire .

  4. 第一部分是网络谣言解读。

    The first part is the Internet rumor interpretation .

  5. 网络谣言与新闻真实

    The Canard of Internet and the Authenticity of News

  6. 而这时,也是网络谣言滋生和产生影响的重要时机。

    Then is the important time to make the internet rumors breed and have influence .

  7. 论文最后的落脚点依然落在对网络谣言的引导与控制上。

    The stance of this thesis are still on the guidance and control of online rumors .

  8. 警方表示这些网络谣言引起了社会恐慌并违反了中国刑法。

    Police say the rumors caused social panic and are a violation of China 's criminal law .

  9. 自从人类进入互联网时代以来,网络谣言便对新闻真实提出了新的挑战。

    Since the age of internet was coming , canard of internet then challenged the authenticity of news .

  10. 从谣言传导路径、主体和载体角度阐释了网络谣言传导过程;

    The paper explains the spreading of network rumors from the perspectives of conduction route , subjects and vectors .

  11. 此外政府还宣布,将打击网络谣言传播和人身攻击。

    It also said it would crack down on the spread of what it says are rumors and personal attacks online .

  12. 近些年来,网络谣言越演越烈,逐渐成为威胁到社会的稳定与和谐发展的重大问题。

    In recent years , increasing numbers of Internet rumours has become a big factor which affects social stablity and harmonius development .

  13. 在此基础上,文章最后探讨政府在应对网络谣言传播应该采取的舆论引导机制。

    On this basis , the article last of the Government in response to rumors spread network boot mechanism should take public opinion .

  14. 首先,要制定颁布非常必要的法律、法规,停止制造和传输网络谣言。

    First , it is imperative that laws and regulations be enacted and executed to stop the production and transmission of Internet rumors .

  15. 与单一网络谣言不同的是,突发事件中的网络谣言,是依附于突发事件这一载体而产生的。

    Alien from a single network rumor , the object we discussed in this paper is the network rumor which arises from emergency .

  16. 第四章分析了政府、媒体、民众三者在面对突发事件中的网络谣言所处的不同角色以及作用。

    Chapter four discusses the roles of government , media and masses respectively , when they facing the network rumor that arise from emergency .

  17. 因此,我们应建立长效的监测与预警机制,在控制网络谣言的负面影响的同时,允许其正功能的发挥。

    Therefore , we should establish a long-term control system that could decrease the negative influences and allow the positive functions of online rumors .

  18. 突发事件易产生网络谣言,而网络谣言在发展到一定程度也可能会引发突发性事件的爆发。

    Emergency easy generation network rumors , and network rumors in the development degree also may be a cause of the outbreak of unexpected events .

  19. 面对网络谣言的挑战,控制网络谣言,维护新闻真实是我们的必然选择。

    In the face of the challenge of canard of internet , control canard of internet and maintenance the authenticity of news were our necessity choose .

  20. 27岁的朱迅(音译)是科学松鼠会的一名编辑,该组织依据致力于借助常识粉碎网络谣言。

    Zhu Xun , 27 is an editor of the Squirrel Club , an organization that appeals to common sense in its attempts to discredit online rumors .

  21. 突发事件中的网络谣言所产生的诸多负面影响,与政府、媒体、民众三者对各自的角色定位认识不清楚无不关系。

    One of the reasons for the negative influence of network rumor is that , the three parties that have mentioned before are not clear about their roles .

  22. “恳请广大学生家长勿轻信网络谣言……对于大家关注的教育公平问题,我们将积极向上级主管部门反映。”

    A statement by the Puyang government said : " We hope parents will not believe online rumours . Everyone cares about fair education and we will take the issue to our superiors . "

  23. 近年来,网络谣言就像一个社会毒瘤,不仅使网络环境变得恶化,而且给公民、社会乃至国家带来了很多危害。

    In recent years , Internet rumor comes in a society cancer , not only worsened the network environment , and bring a lot of harm to the citizens , society and the State .

  24. 另一方面,目前国内外关于网络谣言问题的研究尚处在初辟阶段,还未来得及正式提出网络谣言治理命题,网络谣言治理理论与实践两个层面的研究都亟待加强。

    On the other hand , the research on the online rumor problems is still in initial stage at home and abroad , so the proposition of online rumors governance has not formally proposed in time .

  25. 第一部分厘清网络谣言及其治理研究的理论基础,主要阐明网络谣言的基本含义、主要类型、基本特点及主要危害,并重点梳理关于网络谣言之辟谣及控谣方面的理论。

    The first part is the theoretical basis of the research . It mainly expounds the basic meaning , the main types , basic characteristics and main dangers of online rumors , and sorts the theory about rumor refutal and rumor control .

  26. 而对上市公司而言,借助于投资者情绪指数也能及时了解市场与投资者的关注重点,适时做出积极应对,客观上避免了网络谣言对股票市场不利的冲击。

    For listed companies , by means of the investor sentiment index can keep abreast of market and investor focus , to make a positive response in a timely manner , to avoid the network rumors adverse impact on the stock market .

  27. 如果星火能够燎原,那么浙江的这起事件引发了中国官方媒体这样一轮反思并进一步促使中国打击网络谣言可能不足为奇。

    If a single spark can start a prairie fire , perhaps it 's no surprise that the incident in Zhejiang has prompted such a round of introspection by state media , as well as further fuel for the state 's antirumor campaign .

  28. 第三部分转入对当前网络谣言治理不善问题的原因分析,分别从当前我国网络谣言治理的主观意识方面、基本结构方面、工具选择方面剖析导致治理不善、低效、无力、无效的种种可能原因。

    The third part analyses the reasons of the poor governance . It sums up possible causes which lead to poor governance , low efficiency , weakness , invalid from the aspect of subjective consciousness , basic structure , tools selection and so on .

  29. 该模型是在非均匀网络中谣言传播模型的基础上,引入IM用户之间的紧密程度以及消息类型等因素进行改进后建立的。

    With the introduction of the factors meaning tightness of IM users and type of the message , we establish the model based on the rumor propagation model in non-uniform network .

  30. 并建立微博网络的谣言传播模型,发现在微博网络中,谣言传播的最终状态与微博网络中成员之间的有效传播率和微博网络的拓扑结构有密切的关系。

    In a new micro blogging network rumor spread model , we found that the final state of the model has close relationship with the effective spread rate between network members and the topological structure of the micro blogging network .