
  • 网络Anti-Corruption;network anti-corruption;corruption
  1. “网络反腐大部分靠文字、照片、视频等,从这些途径‘揪’贪官,容易流于表面化。”

    Zheng Gang , a member of the CPPCC National Committee and deputy mayor of Danzhou city , Hainan province . " The online Internet anti-corruption bid mostly relies on text , photos and videos and it is easy to be superficial if corrupt officials are only exposed this way . "

  2. 首先,分析了网络反腐的定义、途径、特点。

    Firstly , analyzes the definition , characteristics , way of network anti-corruption .

  3. 当前我国网络反腐正处于制度化转型的关键十字路口。

    The current network of corruption is in the key crossroads of institutionalization transition .

  4. 第四章,运用善治理论剖析我国现阶段网络反腐存在的种种问题。

    Chapter 4 analyzes the problems of network anti-corruption by applying good governance theory .

  5. 微博诞生后,网络反腐的主阵地也悄然发生了变化。

    After the birth of micro-blog , network anti-corruption as the main front quietly changed .

  6. 然而,关于网络反腐,有若干基本问题需要厘清。

    However , there are a number of basic issues needed to clarify for network anti-corruption .

  7. 新时期网络反腐为我国政府既带来了机遇同时也带来了挑战。

    At the new times of network anti-corruption , it brought not only opportunities but also challenges .

  8. 第二章阐述了我国网络反腐的基本问题及其优点和不足。

    The second chapter mainly describes the basic problems , advantages and disadvantages of the Internet anti-corruption .

  9. 因此,加深对网络反腐存在的问题及其原因分析,采取有效措施尽量减少其负面影响就显得尤其重要。

    Therefore , it is particularly important to analyze the problems and their causes to minimize its negative effects .

  10. 第二部分,对网络反腐的缘起、概念和特征进行深入剖析。

    In chapter two , a detailed analysis has been made about the origin of network anti-corruption , its concept and characters .

  11. 其二,中央高层也意识到网络反腐的必要性和重要性,对此高度重视和认可。

    Second , the Central Committee is also aware of the necessity and importance of network anti-corruption and pays great attention to it .

  12. 本文认为:网络反腐机制区别于传统反腐机制的核心特征在于其运作过程中更为显著及有效的政治沟通。

    The core idea of the paper is that significant and effective political communication make online anti-corruption Mechanism different from traditional anti-corruption mechanism .

  13. 然而,我们在看到网络反腐取得的成绩同时,也必须正视它的一些问题。

    However , we see in a network of corruption achievements at the same time , we must also face up to its problems .

  14. 然而,从总体上看来,当前我国网络反腐制度化依然面临着伦理、组织、技术、政策等深层次困境。

    However , in general , the current network corruption in China is still faced with ethical institutionalization , organization , technology , policy and other deep-seated difficulties .

  15. 首先,指明了社会领域反腐败的实践背景:社会管理创新、惩防体系建设和网络反腐的实践背景。

    First of all , that will field anti-corruption practice background : the innovation of social management , punishment and prevention system construction and Network Anti-corruption practice background .

  16. 第三章,从物质基础、社会基础以及现实国情三个方面阐述我国网络反腐的背景,梳理出我国网络反腐从萌芽、发展到繁荣三阶段的演进历程。

    Chapter 3 expounds the background of network anti-corruption from material base , social infrastructure and current social situation , and combs out the evolution of network anti-corruption .

  17. 第二章,阐释网络反腐的相关理论,具体是根据文献资料界定网络与腐败的定义,继而推出网络反腐这一研究对象的基本概念、特点和理论依据。

    Chapter 2 explains the theory of network anti-corruption , and summarizes the basic concepts , characteristics and theoretical basis of network anti-corruption according to the definition of anti-corruption .

  18. 展望未来,本文试图分析网络反腐的发展趋势,简要提出了策略建议。

    Looking to the future , this paper attempts to analyze the development trend of network anti-corruption , and tries to give a brief discussion on the policy recommendations .

  19. 网络反腐大部分靠文字、照片、视频等,从这些途径揪贪官,容易流于表面化。

    The online Internet anti-corruption bid mostly relies on text , photos and videos and it is easy to be superficial if corrupt officials are only exposed this way .

  20. 网络反腐暴露出的缺陷不仅对特定公民的合法权利造成侵害,亦消损着网络反腐本身的理性和正义色彩。

    The defects that network anti-corruption expose not only cause infringement to certain citizens ' legal rights , also diminish the rationality and justice color of the network anti-corruption itself .

  21. 因此,制度化是实现网络反腐良性健康持续发展的根本途径,是建立健全惩治和预防腐败体系的重要举措。

    Therefore , the institutionalization of corruption is a fundamental way to achieve positive health and sustainable development network , an important measure to establish a sound system for punishing and preventing corruption .

  22. 但网络反腐是一把双刃剑,在打击腐败起到有效作用的同时,其问题和缺陷也不断暴露出来,给社会带来了一些负面效果。

    But it is a double-edged sword , while it plays an effective role in the fight against corruption , many problems and shortcomings arise too , which have brought some negative effects .

  23. 目前网络反腐在反腐倡廉建设中取得重大成绩的同时因为其本身的诸多不足和缺陷也反映出网络反腐机制还存在一些问题,给社会带来了一定的负面作用。

    Recently while the Internet anti-corruption gets great achievements , because it has some shortcomings and defects , it also reflects that the anti-corruption system still has some problems , and it brings some negative effects to the society .

  24. 目前,网络反腐已成为我国腐败治理工作的一个重要趋势,对有效防腐治腐、扩大民众权力监督以及促进政府管理方式的改革具有重要的促进作用。

    At present , network anti-corruption has become an important trend for fighting corruption in China . It greatly promotes the reform of effective anti-corruption , expanding the supervision of civil rights and improving the government management as well .

  25. 借助互联网的特性,网络反腐呈现快速高效、广阔交互、安全低成本、透明公开的特点。接着,本文着重从微观行动及宏观环境这两方面,探讨网络反腐的发生机制。

    With the help of the Internet , network anti-corruption is fast and efficient , broad and interactive , safe and low-cost , transparent and public . Then , the article focuses on the micro-actions and macro environment to explore the mechanism of network anti-corruption .

  26. 信息时代的大背景、现阶段的基本国情再加上网络反腐自身的特点,使我国网络反腐形成了独具特色的运行机制,即动静结合,上下联动,官民双轨的反腐机制。

    Because of the state conditions at present stage and characteristics of network anti-corruption itself , a special operational mechanism has been established in China in the circumstance of Information Age . This anti-corruption mechanism includes a combination of dynamics and statics , double tracking between official and population .

  27. 网络之于反腐不再单纯是网络举报的作用,电子政务的展开正在深刻地改变政府的运作方式。

    Network is no longer as the simply role of reporting for anti-corruption , the spread of the E-government is changing the way to operate of government profoundly .

  28. 电子政务能够有效预防和监督腐败,减少腐败滋生空间,而网络举报对反腐制度形成了有力补充。

    E-government can prevent and supervise corruption effectively , and reduce the space for corruption , at the same time , the network report forms a powerful supplement to the system of anti-corruption .

  29. 同时,成员国还批准了建立跨境反腐败执法合作网络,加强跨境反腐合作。

    They have also endorsed the establishment of a cross-border law enforcement network to strengthen transnational anti-corruption cooperation .

  30. 微博,在网络问政、反腐监督、信息传播、社会救助、公益行动、民意表达等多方面呈现出巨大的能量和影响力。2011年,微博发展势头不减。

    Micro-blog , showed great energy and force in network governance , anti-corruption supervision , information dissemination , social assistance , community action , public opinion expression and other aspects . 2011 , Micro-blog development impetus is not decreased .