
wǎnɡ qiú xié
  • tennis shoe
  1. 因此,什么是一个很小的网球鞋做在此页中。

    So what is a small tennis shoe doing on this page .

  2. 他们带着太阳镜,穿着白色牛仔裤和白色的一脚蹬网球鞋。

    They wore sunglasses , white jeans and white slip-on tennis shoe .

  3. 这些网球鞋的设计穿起来舒服,易于发挥成绩。

    These tennis shoes are designed for comfort and performance .

  4. 阿迪达斯计划最终为其所有运动鞋类&篮球鞋、网球鞋等配备这种名为Boost的气囊技术。

    Adidas plans to eventually outfit all of its athletic shoes – basketball , tennis , the works – with its Boost technology .

  5. 阿迪达斯计划最终为其所有运动鞋类——篮球鞋、网球鞋等配备这种名为“Boost”的气囊技术。

    Adidas plans to eventually outfit all of its athletic shoes - basketball , tennis , the works - with its " Boost " technology .

  6. 有时候妈妈们还要买运动服、网球鞋、白袜子,也许还要买标有NBA球队名字的球帽呢!

    Sometimes mothers need to buy sports clothes , tennis shoes , white socks , and perhaps caps with names of NBA teams .

  7. 在推出的诸多协作款中,就包括了带有“丹佛街集市”标识的一款耐克网球鞋以及一款詹巴蒂斯塔瓦莉(GiambattistaValli)的限量版手包。

    Among the items were a Nike tennis sneaker featuring the DSM logo and a Giambattista Valli limited-edition bag .

  8. Eres艺术总监瓦莱丽・德拉福斯(ValerieDelafosse)说:“有一种运动精神回归的趋势。在香奈儿(Chanel)时装秀上,你会看到模特穿着花呢网球鞋和动感十足的工字背心。我们是在把运动和优雅进行混搭。”

    There is a return to the sportif spirit , ' said Eres artistic director Val é rie Delafosse . ' If you look at the Chanel runway show , [ there are ] models with the tennis shoes in tweed , a sporty racerback . We are mixing sporty with refined . '

  9. 我看到所有的商业女性都穿网球鞋去工作。

    I watched all these businesswomen wearing tennis shoes to work .

  10. 我们想要买一双皮网球鞋。

    We 're looking for a pair of leather tennis shoes .

  11. 网球鞋鞋底结构与生物力学性能的研究

    Biological Mechanics Research on Tennis Shoes ' Sole Structure and Performance

  12. 嗯,不。我已经有网球鞋了。

    Er * no , I have had a tennis shoes .

  13. 现在我需要一双不错的网球鞋。

    Now I need a pair of good tennis shoes .

  14. 刷白自己的网球鞋.那样,你只得自行辩白了。

    In that case you 'll have to clear yourself .

  15. 你会在运动装部找到网球鞋的。

    You 'll find tenhis shoes in the sportswear department .

  16. 有孩子后:我感激有维可牢尼龙扣的网球鞋。

    After children : I am thankful for Velcrotennis shoes .

  17. 向市场过度提供网球鞋。通常有木制鞋底的鞋子。

    Flood the market with tennis shoes . footwear usually with wooden soles .

  18. 他替那些网球鞋珍重广告,就赚了不少钱。

    He must make much money on those tennis shoe endorsements he does .

  19. 我必须把我的网球鞋刷白。

    Gym shoe , sneaker , tennis shoe .

  20. 我的皮网球鞋穿破了。

    My leather tennis shoes are worn out .

  21. 网球鞋&遇到体力与耐力的较量

    The bout between physical force and stamina

  22. 美代子:我想我也需要一双新网球鞋。

    MIYOKO : I think I need a new pair of tennis shoes , too .

  23. 我必须刷白我的网球鞋。

    I must whiten my tennis shoes .

  24. 这是什么样的网球鞋已经在三(3)频闪灯灯!

    This is the kind of tennis shoe that has three ( 3 ) strobe lights !

  25. 如果你穿着网球鞋进入皇宫,他们会认为你古里古怪。

    If you go to the palace in tennis shoes , they will think you are eccentric .

  26. 令人恐怖的黑乎乎的一团,看起来,闻起来都像一只烧焦了的网球鞋。

    A horrible black substance that looked and smelled about as appetizing as a burnt tennis shoe .

  27. 我也去。我的真皮网球鞋磨破了,我需要再买一双。

    Yeah , me too . My leather tennis shoes are worn out . I need another pair .

  28. 至于网球鞋与漆皮“牛津”鞋孰优孰劣的问题,他的权威从未有人提出过怀疑。

    And on the question of pumps versus patent-leather " Oxfords " his authority had never been disputed .

  29. 斯威夫特很喜欢粉色,她穿着带圆点的网球鞋,背着一个优雅的手包。

    Showing her love for pink , Swift wore polka dot tennis shows as she carried an elegant handbag .

  30. 我问着,拿起网球鞋,“我也许能塞得进去。”

    I asked , holding up the tennis shoes . " I might be able to squeeze into these . "