
xié shé
  • tongue
  1. 鞋子的鞋帮、鞋跟和鞋舌部位都有衬垫,以增加舒适度。

    The shoe has padding around the collar , heel and tongue for added comfort .

  2. 鞋舌、鞋背和鞋子侧面理所当然有Facebook和Adidas的logo,除此之外,在每只运动鞋里面还各印了一条标语。

    Apart from the inevitable Facebook and Adidas logos on the shoe 's tongue , back and side , there 's a slogan printed inside of each trainer .

  3. 现在,我可以将手指伸入鞋舌区拉动鞋带。

    I can stick my finger down there now and pull .

  4. 你没注意过他怎么玩弄鞋舌?

    You never notice how he picks at the tongue of his shoe ?

  5. 鞋舌上面有鞋带的一种高统的鞋子。

    A high shoe with laces over the tongue .

  6. 鞋舌一样印有尺寸,出厂年月份,和工厂编号!

    The size , made date and factory number are stamp on the shoes tongue !

  7. 这样一来,调整鞋带就变得容易多了,而且我没发现鞋舌有任何移动。

    Adjustments are much easier and I haven 't noticed any shifting of the tongue .

  8. 鞋子的后面,从牌子到鞋舌都是连在一起的。

    From the back of the shoe , from the name to the tongue everything is connected .

  9. 鞋舌是完全填充的,上面有一个而不是多个鞋带环,以便将鞋舌固定在原位。

    The tongue is fully padded , and has one lace loop on it to keep it in place .

  10. 耐克研发出了一键系鞋带的鞋子——HyperAdapt1.0。只要按一下鞋舌上的一个按钮,鞋带就会自动系好和解开。

    When wearers press a button near the tongue , the HyperAdapt 1.0s automatically tighten and loosen around their foot .

  11. 当你想要脱鞋时,碰撞鞋跟两次,发动机就会释放鞋舌部位的弹簧,松开鞋带让你脱鞋。

    When you want to take off the shoes , you click your heels together twice and the motor will release a spring in the shoe 's tongue , which loosens the laces enough for you to slip them off 。