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  • shoe cabinet
  1. 为保证其他会员的锻炼效果,在参加瑜伽、普拉提及芭蕾形体等静操课程时,须把您的运动鞋放置于鞋柜内并把您的手提电话调至无声且无震动状态。

    In order to guarantee the exercise effects of other Chamber members , please keep your sport shoes in the shoe cabinet and hand phone will be regulated to soundless .

  2. 可悬挂式仓储鞋柜,给您带来新的生活体验!

    Hanging type warehouse shoes cabinet can give you new experience !

  3. 鞋柜中添加一双芭蕾平底鞋。

    Add a pair of ballet flats to your shoe wardrobe .

  4. 好漂亮的鞋子,你愿意将它放在我的鞋柜上吗?

    Nice shoes , want to go back to my pad ?

  5. 去看看凯特?摩丝的鞋柜吧。

    Oh , to take a glance in Kate Moss 's boot cupboard .

  6. 鞋柜-你把鞋放进鞋柜里。

    Put the shoes in the shoe cabinet .

  7. 通天的白色鞋柜和大肚子灶台都是自得之作。

    " Exceeding lofty or great " white shoe ark and abdominous hearth are complacent make .

  8. 有时候她的书会很自然地出现在我的半边桌子上,或是我的鞋柜里冒出她的鞋子。

    Occasionally her books will find their way to my half of the desk , or her shoes will be near my closet .

  9. 准备好买这十款鞋但又怕它们塞不进鞋柜?教你一些节省空间的小贴士吧。

    Ready to buy these top-10 shoes but afraid they won 't fit into your closet ? Here 's a space-saving tip for you .

  10. 目前主营产品为衣柜、书柜电脑桌、电视柜、鞋柜、博古架、推拉门、隔断门等。

    Main Products for the current wardrobe , bookcase computer desk , TV cabinet , shoe , Bogut frame , sliding door , such as .

  11. 从30岁晚期到40岁中期,高跟鞋仍然是女性鞋柜中的“宠儿”,在这一时期,很多女性的事业正走向成功。

    High heels continue to feature prominently in her wardrobe through her late30s and up until her mid40s-the period when many women are building a successful career .

  12. 用亮色装饰如果你已经满满一鞋柜的中性色,他们是海军色、黑色、驼色或灰色,大胆搭配鞋子和手袋来增加活力。

    Accessorize in Brights If you 've got a closet full of neutrals be they navy , black , camel , or gray add energy with boldly hued shoes and bags .

  13. 且因为它的小巧方便,你可以把它放在衣橱、鞋柜、浴室、厕所和车厢,能够持续释放香气并吸收异味和潮气。

    It is small and convenient to tuck one into a drawer , closet , shoe chest or under the seat in your car to enjoy a beautiful scent and absorb moisture .

  14. 我认为,一个人拥有的鞋越多,每双鞋呆在家里鞋柜的时间就越长。我这么写并不担心有人会反驳。

    I write without fear of contradiction when I suggest that the more shoes any one person has , the more time each pair will spend at home in the shoe cupboard .

  15. 玄关处的鞋柜可容纳200双鞋。但该公寓的画龙点睛之笔还在于配有休息区的后花园,客人可以在那里“观赏四季迷人的花园”。

    The storage for shoes in the entrance has space to accommodate 200 pairs of shoes , but the focal point of the property is the courtyard with a surrounding lounge area where guests can " enjoy the charming seasonal garden . "