
  • 网络related keywords;relevant keywords
  1. 为照片贴上相关关键词作为标签;

    tagging photos with relevant keywords ;

  2. 还可以给你列出来几条相关关键词的热度,还是比较好用的。

    Still can give your row to come out the heat of a few relevant keywords , still had compared those who use .

  3. 用户通过搜索引擎,输入相关关键词就会得到包含关键词的信息。

    Through a search engine , users enter the relevant key words and will get the information contained key words .

  4. 然后,他们把这些数据和疾病控制预防中心的记录进行对比,发现人们搜索流感相关关键词的时间和出现流感症状的时间具有很强的关联性。

    It then compared those times to CDC records and found a strong correlation between when people searched flu keywords and when people have had flu-like symptoms .

  5. 它巧妙地借鉴了回归分析中用以检验拟合模型是否符合实际模型的显著性检验原理的思想,将其应用于分析相关关键词在学生论文和下载文章中分布的差异。

    The test of significance theory regression analysis uses to verify whether the simulated model agrees with virtual model is applied to analyze the distinction of distribution of keywords related between students ' paper and articles downloaded .

  6. 鉴于此,笔者通过对弱势群体内涵、外延及公平正义等相关关键词的研究,从经济、政治、文化、心理等多方面查找弱势群体存在的问题,剖析产生的原因。

    In view of this , the author through to the " vulnerable groups " connotation , extension and justice and other related keyword research , from the economic , political , cultural , psychological and other aspects to find vulnerable groups problems , analysis of causes .

  7. 通过你的形象描述,包括相关的关键词ALT标签。

    Describe your image via the ALT tag , including relevant keywords .

  8. org在过去五年研究了和流感相关的关键词,而且找出了这些关键词搜索量飙升的时间段。

    The Google group examined flu-related keywords over five years , noting times when searches of those terms surged .

  9. 探讨了针对XML文档集中只与内容相关的关键词检索结果的排序问题,针对XML文档特征提出了一种新的排序模型,它不同于面向Web的XML网页的搜索结果的排序。

    The paper discusses the problem of efficiently ranking results for keyword search queries related to content-only over XML documents . Evaluating keyword search over XML documents , as opposed to Web-based XML pages , it introduces many new features .

  10. 就算用户输入的只是相关的关键词,广告商链接也会显示出来。

    Advertiser links still show up , even if users input related keywords .

  11. 因此,计算机不用理解词义就能找到相关的关键词和文章。

    So computers can find related keywords and texts without understanding their meanings .

  12. 在简历的正文使用与标题相关的关键词。

    Also work the top keywords into the body of your resume , where relevant .

  13. 如果想要运行特定类型的固件,可能需要用相关的关键词上网搜索。

    You may need to do a Web search on relevant key terms if you need to run a specific type of firmware .

  14. 博客的文章是靠搜索引擎搜索到的,因此你应该在标题,副标题和文章主体部分使用相关的关键词。

    Your blog posts will be crawled by search engines and therefore you should use relevant keywords in your headlines , subheads and body .

  15. 然后,对每个广告组进行自定义,确保广告中要包括相关的关键词(最好是在标题中)。

    Then customize your ads to each ad group , making sure to include the keyword in the ad ( preferably in the headline ) .

  16. 例如,3页的文件使你可以在其中包含更多相关的关键词和短语,这将有助于提高你在系统中的排名。

    A 3-page document , for instance , may allow you to include more relevant keywords and phrases , which could move up your ranking in the system .

  17. 如果是在普通的工作搜索引擎上找工作,你可能就要加入和专业领域相关的关键词来缩小搜索范围。

    If searching on a general jobs search engine , you 'll likely need to add a keyword related you your field of expertise GetWord (" expertise "); to narrow your search .

  18. 如果条目是索引,那么您就解析该对象并创建一个表示您要处理的数据的对象:与索引相关联的关键词和索引中tweet的数量。

    If the item is an index , then you parse the object and create an object representing the data you are about to process : the keyword associated with the index and the number of tweets in the index .

  19. 我们可以通过这个功能来分析网站相关的哪些长尾关键词具有搜索量。

    So should how to on the website of the long tail keywords analysis ?

  20. 这一阶段的主要目标是依据种子关键词设计广告关键词扩展模型,以扩展出大量的与种子关键词相关的候选竞价关键词集合。

    The main task of this stage is to design the model of advertising keyword expansion and generate plenty of candidate bidding keywords which are related to seed keywords .

  21. 想一想,如果你掌握了专业知识,并具有专业技能和相关经验,你应该怎样在简历中加入这些相关的关键词,又该加在哪里。

    Figure out how and where to add the most relevant keywords to your resume , assuming you have the specific knowledge , skills , and experience .