
  • 网络hit song;song
  1. 英国歌手阿黛尔(Adele)的全新热门歌曲《Hello》,对于在以往恋情中受伤的女性而言,已经不单单是一首治愈的分手歌曲了。

    Adele 's new hit song ' Hello ' has become much more than just a comforting break-up anthem for women wounded by past relationships .

  2. 例证B:虽然唐尼(Donny)和玛丽·奥斯蒙德(MarieOsmond)在卡特政府期间没出过一首热门歌曲,但是观看他们演唱会的最佳座位却卖到了100美元以上。

    Exhibit B : Nosebleed seats to see Donny and Marie Osmond -- who haven 't had a hit song together since the Carter Administration -- run more than $ 100 .

  3. 他们即将发行收录他们最热门歌曲的专辑。

    They are about to release an album of their greatest hits .

  4. 这首单曲是70年代的一首热门歌曲的翻版。

    The single is a rip-off of a 70s hit .

  5. 他在他的酒店举行了一场历时3个钟头的家庭卡拉OK演唱会,其间高歌了辛纳屈和甲壳虫乐队的一些热门歌曲。

    He held a three-hour family Karaoke session in his hotel , belting out Sinatra and Beatles hits .

  6. 但你却绝听不到哪怕是最大腕的乡村音乐歌星的热门歌曲,也找不到他们的CD。

    But you never hear hits by even the biggest country stars , nor can you find their CDs here .

  7. EpicRights的总裁戴尔·福拉诺表示,他很高兴同这位热门歌曲《Toxic》演唱者合作。

    Dell Furano , chief executive officer of Epic Rights , is thrilled to have joined forces with the Toxic hitmaker .

  8. 小泉在任首相期间访问美国田纳西州的格雷斯兰时与时任美国总统乔治?W?布什合唱猫王的热门歌曲,显示了其善于利用媒体的一面。

    While in office , Koizumi displayed his media savvy by singing Elvis hits during a visit to Graceland , Tennessee , with then US president George W.Bush .

  9. 自从1997年发行第一张专辑《家庭作业》(Homework)以来,傻朋克一直走在电子音乐的前列,一首接一首地推出让同行抄袭、让听众或痛或喜的热门歌曲。

    Ever since their 1997 debut , Homework , Daft Punk 's been at the vanguard of electronic music , creating one sample-jacking , endorphin-morphing hit after another .

  10. 他的专辑《UnorthodoxJukebox》(2012)曾登顶《公告牌》杂志的200强专辑榜,其中收录了如《LockedOutofHeaven》和《Treasure》等热门歌曲。

    Unorthodox Jukebox ( 2012 ) , which peaked at No 1 on the Billboard 200 list , included the hits Locked Out of Heaven and Treasure .

  11. 他自认与月食相比,自己的照片完美无缺,并笑称自己给了碧昂斯的热门歌曲《Flawless》灵感。

    Kurt has compared his pictures to the perfection of a lunar eclipse and jokes that he inspired Beyonc é Knowles 's hit Flawless .

  12. 法瑞尔•威廉姆斯(PharrellWilliams)唱过一首极其动人的歌曲《幸福》(Happy),多年来一直位列全球最热门歌曲。他在歌里唱到,“如果你感觉自己是一个没有屋顶的房间”,那么你就是幸福的。

    Pharrell Williams , whose gloriously catchy song " Happy " is the biggest international hit in years , declares that you are happy " if you feel like a room without a roof . "

  13. 比吉斯乐队拥有多少热门歌曲?

    How many hits did the Bee Gees have ?

  14. 埃米纳姆:热门歌曲字数最多的人

    Eminem holds the record for the most words in a hit song .

  15. 该组合共发行了七张专辑和多首热门歌曲。

    It has produced seven studio albums as well as live and greatest hits albums .

  16. 他的唱片登上热门歌曲排行榜。

    His record made the charts .

  17. 在这次演唱会期间,杨宗纬将会演唱包括《鸽子》和《原色》等在内的三部专辑中的热门歌曲

    During this time , Yang will perform hits from his three albums including Dove and Pure .

  18. 你刚刚听到的那首流行歌曲是这位知名的音乐家所作的经典热门歌曲其中一首。

    That pop song you just heard is one of the classic hits this famous musician composed .

  19. 名单也列出多首港台流行曲和几首西方热门歌曲。

    Dozens of Hong Kong and Taiwanese pop songs and a few Western hits were listed as well .

  20. 我感觉糟透了,今天我要向周璇道歉,因为我糟蹋了她1937年的热门歌曲。

    I was awful , and to this day I apologize to Zhou Xuan for murdering her 1937 hit song .

  21. 杰克逊1993年的热门歌曲《记住时间》的音乐录影带就是在埃及拍摄的,由艾迪?墨菲主演。

    The music video for Jackson's1993 hit " Remember the Time " was set in Egypt and starred Eddie Murphy .

  22. 1978年她发表了自己的单曲《我心归属星舰骑兵》,而该曲也立刻成为迪斯科舞厅的热门歌曲。

    In1978 , she released the single , I Lost My Heart To A Starship Trooper and it became an instant disco hit .

  23. 用户可以通过浏览选择类型,播放列表,热门歌曲,或定期更新的渠道,在左侧导航虚拟垃圾箱。

    Users can browse the virtual bins in the left-side nav by selecting genres , playlists , top songs , or regularly-updated channels .

  24. 火箭队,就像一支试图改变他们的标志性声音却失败了的乐队,又回到了演奏热门歌曲的行列。

    The Rockets , like a band who tried and failed to change their signature sound , went back to playing the hits .

  25. 班迪尔说,热门歌曲将永远存活下去,经受住时间考验的歌曲将年复一年带来收入。

    Hits , he says , can last for ever and songs that stand the test of time can generate income year after year .

  26. 举个例子,来自于一首热门歌曲的铃声,“老鼠爱大米”,在2005年的销售超过1000万。

    The ringtone from a hit song , " mice Love Rice " , generated over $ 10m in sales in 2005 , for example .

  27. “爱的欢乐只是一瞬间”,乡遥歌手唱道,“但是爱的疼痛永远持续”。这几乎成了热门歌曲。

    " The joys of love are but a moment long ," sang the troubadour ," but the pain of love endures forever . " This .

  28. 该乐队的许多热门歌曲,碧昂丝都参与编写和制作,乐队已在全世界销售了3300多万张唱片。

    With many of the group 's hit songs co-written and co-produced by Beyonce , Destiny 's Child has sold more than 33 million records worldwide .

  29. 然后我坐下来欣赏下一位嘉宾的演出,他是著名的英国摇滚歌手乔.科克尔,演唱了他最新的热门歌曲《放飞我的心》。

    Then I settled in to enjoy the next guest , the famous English rocker Joe Cocker , as he sang his latest hit , Unchain My Heart .

  30. 由于没有资金和人员来支持他们曾经过于庞大的艺人队伍,唱片公司大幅缩小了雇员数量,并对那些预期能够为热门歌曲流行推波助澜的活动加大了投入。

    Without the budget and staff to support their once overloaded artist stables , labels have slashed their rosters and doubled down on acts expected to drive hits .