
  • 网络thermoplasticity
  1. 短纤维增强的热可塑性复合材料的疲劳强度

    Fatigue strength of short fiber reinforced thermoplastic composites

  2. 热可塑性材料可以重新形成和循环使用,而热固性与弹性材料则是不能再使用的。

    Thermo-plastics can be reformed and recycled , while thermosets and elastomers are not reworkable .

  3. 这种结构特征既赋予了MS-PTPE室温下的高弹性,又赋予了热可塑性。

    Therefore , it had not only high elasticity but also thermal plasticity at room temperature .

  4. 该工艺包括(1)采用高尺寸精度的单面覆铜箔热可塑性树脂片;

    This process include as follow : first , using high sizing accurate single side copper-clad thermoplastic resin sheet .

  5. 塑料可区分为热固性与热可塑性二类,前者无法重新塑造使用,后者可一再重复生产。

    Thermosetting plastics can be divided into two categories and thermal plasticity , the former can not be used to re-shape , which can be repeated production .

  6. 热固性材料由于其塑性差、弹性变形低、材料损伤破坏过程中信号比较明显。而热塑性材料可塑性强、弹性变形相当较高。声发射信号的发生有着与热固性材料的很大差异。

    With the characteristics of poor plasticity and lower elastic deformation , thermosetting materials can produce marked signals in the process of damage , however that of thermoplastic materials are different evidently because of theirs better plasticity and higher elastic deformation .

  7. 热溶胶是一种不含任何溶剂,为100%固定成份热可塑性物质。

    Hot melt adhesive is a kind of non-solvent , 100 % fixed component thermal plasticity material .