
rè qiánɡ dù
  • Thermal strength;thermal (or calorific) intensity;thermal power
  1. 本文以金属热强度为结构优化的目标函数,利用Matlab对双通水道带翅片的散热器的散热量进行计算,通过对数值结果的分析,得出该种散热器的最佳结构型式。

    Taking the metal thermal intensity as object function for structural optimization , this paper calculates the heat dissipating capacity of finned radiator of double water of passageway with Matlab . Through analyzing the outcome of numerical value , the optimum dimension of structure of the radiator is obtained .

  2. 活塞的传热和热强度研究

    A Study on the Heat Transfer and the Thermal Intensity of Piston

  3. 编程计算与CFX模拟计算热强度沿炉管变化趋势基本相同。

    Programming calculation and CFX simulation have the same trend .

  4. 烧结二元碱度大于1.5,MgO含量增加到2%以上时对烧结矿热强度的影响不显著。

    When binary basicity of sinter is more than 1.5 and MgO raised to more than 2 % , it does not influence the hot strength of sinter obviously .

  5. 结果表明,PA6/C(3D)复合材料比PA6的热强度高4.37倍,而玻璃化转变温度却基本未发生变化,PA6/C(3D)复合材料的综合性能优于PA6/CL复合材料。

    The results showed that the heat strength of PA6 / C3D was higher 4 . 37 times than that of Nylon matrix while its vitrification temperature was fundamentally unchanged , and indicated that its integrated properties preceded that of long carbon fibre / Nylon composite .

  6. 火焰辐射热强度对人体、设备及材料的危害;

    Harmful level to personnel , equipment and materials by flame radiation ;

  7. 湍流强度在中心区域最大,中心区域的换热强度明显高于边缘处。

    The largest turbulence intensity was in the central region .

  8. 受热薄壁结构热源定位及热强度识别方法研究

    Deducing the Location and Strength of Thermal Source Acting on Sheet-Metal Structure

  9. 煤中加入负催化剂对焦炭热强度作用研究

    Effects of adding negative catalysis into coal on thermal strength of coke

  10. 镍基合金重熔层热强度研究

    Study of the Hot Strength of Remelted Ni-based Alloy Coating

  11. 改善锌基合金热强度和耐磨性的研究

    Research on Improving the Thermal Strength and Wear Resistance of Zinc-Based Alloys

  12. 一种新型环境热强度评价指标的研究

    Study on a new index for assessing environmental heat stress

  13. 通道的平均努谢尔数随楔形肋片与主流夹角的增大而呈增大趋势,通道换热强度得到了明显的提高,但同时流动阻力也显著增加。

    The heat transfer is enhanced remarkably but the pressure loss also increased .

  14. 无烟煤气化型煤热强度测定方法的研究

    Research of measure method for thermal compressive strength of gasification briquette for anthracite

  15. 相变储热体释热强度研究

    Study of discharge heat flux in PCM storage unit

  16. 发动机隔热缸套热强度有限元分析

    The Finite Element Analysis of the Hot Intensity of the Heat Insulation Cylinder

  17. 铁连晶是保持含碳球团热强度的金属骨架。

    Iron joined crystal is the metal framework of pellets containing coal of high temperature .

  18. 运用有限元法对隔热部件进行了热强度分析。

    The hot intensity of the heat insulation parts is analysed by the finite element method .

  19. 火孔热强度与火焰温度的实验数据等,通过上述试验数据为获得比较理想的天然气冷凝式热水器燃烧器模型提供依据。

    By comparing the above data , we 've got practical model of condensing gas water heaters .

  20. 低散热发动机隔热件热强度有限元分析

    The Finite Element Analysis of the Hot Intensity of the Heat Insulation Part in the Low Heat Rejection Engine

  21. 本文研究了城市两段炉用型煤的热强度特性曲线,结果表明,在干馏段型煤热强度的变化受煤种的影响很大。

    The cementitiousness of the raw coal exercises a strong influence on the briquette thermal compressive strength during carbonization .

  22. 单向复合材料的力学性能、热强度保持率及湿热强度保持率都比较高。

    The main mechanical properties of the unidirectional composites are good in room temperature , thermal or wet & thermal conditions .

  23. 计算结果表明,这些公式应用时较为简便,为冷轧辊热强度设计提供了理论根据。

    The formulae are proved to be simple and practical in applications and furnish the theoretical basis for cold roller thermal strength design .

  24. 有较高的热强度和硬度;在中温条件下有很好的韧性、热疲劳性和一定的耐磨性。

    With features of high endurance of hot and hardness , also excellent in toughness , thermal fatigue , wear resistance with normal temperature .

  25. 与目前所看到的文献报导结果相比,燃烧效率较之高26%左右,热强度高1550%左右。

    By comparing with the results reported in the literature recently , the combustion efficiency is 2-6 % and the heat intensity 15-50 % larger .

  26. 对应同样的流化气速和催化剂循环量,气控式能提供更高的催化剂温度及更大的换热强度;

    Under conditions of same fluidized gas velocity and same catalyst circulation rate , the pneumatic type can supply much higher catalyst temperature and heat transfer strength .

  27. 在充分发展的湍流流动中,时均温度梯度和时均速度矢量间的夹角θ是控制其对流换热强度的重要因素之一。

    The angle θ between dimensionless time-averaged temperature gradient and velocity vector is one of the main factors to dominate the heat transfer ability of fully-turbulent flow .

  28. 加热炉中遮蔽管的计算多火嘴圆筒炉炉膛温度、热强度分布及管内压降的计算

    Calculation of shield tubes in tubular heater calculation of radiation chamber temperature , heat flux distribution and pressure drop across radiation tubes of a cylindrical tubular heater with multiple burners

  29. 从改善蓄热室内气流分布均匀度、提高蓄热室换热强度和选择合理的蓄热室结构、格子砖等方面,提出如何提高玻璃熔窑蓄热室的热效率。

    This paper suggests how to improve thermal efficiency of the glass furnace regenerator by modifying flow distribution homosphere , enhances heat transfer performance , selects the reasonable regenerative structures etc.

  30. 在无可燃物存在的情况下,即使辐射热强度达到40kW/m2,电线也不一定会出现短路。

    But in the case of no combustibles in the room , even the radiation heat has reached 40 kW / m 2 , the wires don 't have short circuit .