
  1. 而对于渡槽的抗风设计,也只能参照建筑结构荷载规范而行。

    And wind-resistance design according to Specifications for building structure .

  2. 检测方法均参照建筑装饰装修材料有害物质限量的国家标准检验方法。

    The contents of formaldehyde in the samples were determined according to the National Standard Detecting Method for the threshold of harmful substances in decoration materials .

  3. 参照《建筑地基基础设计规范(GB5007-2002)》建议的刚性桩复合地基变形计算模型,对郑州某管桩复合地基实际工程进行了变形计算。

    Applying the settlement calculation model in the National Code for Rigid Pile Composite Foundation ( GB5007-2002 ) to certain project of pipe pile composite foundation in Zhengzhou , comparison is made about the survey result and that of calculation .

  4. 但是目前对于航站楼负荷特点的研究还是比较缺乏的,目前国内设计主要参照相近建筑的设计标准,或是参考国外,缺乏统一标准。

    However , the current study of the characteristics of the load of Airport Terminal is relatively lacking . Currently , there is no standard harmonization for Airport Terminal , so the design always refer to similar building or to foreign countries .