
  • 网络reference index;Benchmark
  1. 如果一只股票包含在参考指数中并且在上涨,基金经理就会有强烈的买入动机,即使估值已经过高。

    If a stock is included in the reference index and is rising , fund managers have a strong incentive to buy even if valuations are too high already .

  2. 外语测试不仅运用于外语教学过程中,而且被社会广泛地用作衡量外语能力的手段,测试结果成为评估外语能力最重要的参考指数。

    Foreign language test has been applied to measure the test taker 's language abilities in foreign language teaching as well as in our society .

  3. 服装美是服装设计的基本原则,也是现代人选择成衣的主要购买参考指数之一。

    Clothing beauty is the basic principles of the fashion design , and also one of the exponents for the modern selection of clothing and the major purchase of the reference .

  4. 金砖四国在摩根士丹利资本国际新兴市场指数(msciemergingmarketsindex)中占据大约半壁江山,而投资者往往参考该指数设定投资组合中的权重。

    BRIC countries make up about half of the MSCI Emerging Markets Index , often used by investors to set weightings for their portfolios .

  5. 给出了可供工程应用参考的衰减指数。

    Supply And Demand Information The attenuation exponents for engineering purposes are given .

  6. 最后,对全文进行总结,深入挖掘前文结论尤其是实证分析部分的结论,并在此基础上提出了维持人民币汇率稳定、改革结售汇制度、调整出口结构、参考分类价格指数分类调整价格的政策建议。

    Based on findings above , the research puts forward the following relevant policy recommendations : maintaining RMB exchange rate stability , reforming the system of exchange settlement and sales , adjusting the export structure , and adjusting price according to classification price index .

  7. 为此,我们提出一种参考谱加权存在指数,用于从质谱库中筛选出可能物质,然后用非负最小二乘法确定真实存在的物质。

    An index called weighted spectrum existence index is put forward to select potential substance from mass library . Then , non-negative least square regression is used to determine the real substance .

  8. 指数应用的广泛性:政府、企业、个人不同的应用对象可把指数作为决策参考,人力资源指数系统的服务对象是整个市场,系统以不同层次不同种类的指数产品满足市场各个层次的需要。

    The extensive application of this index : government , corporate , individuals can all refer to the index when making decisions . The human resources index serves all the market , it uses different index to meet different market needs .

  9. 同时,人力资源指数为企业创造良好的外部环境,促进企业发展,降低商务成本,并可作为投资评价尺度及人力资源管理决策参考基础的基准指数。

    Meanwhile , the human resources index can also make a better outer environment for the companies , promote their development , and reduce their cost . It also can be used as a benchmark index for the companies ' investment and human resources management .