
  • 网络joint stock company
  1. 国有控股、参股公司国家工作人员的司法认定

    Judicial Recognition of State Functionaries in State-controlled Company and State-participated Company

  2. 国企改制过程中及国有控股参股公司中职务犯罪的法律适用问题

    Legal application of job-related crimes in restructuring process of state-owned enterprises and state-controlled shareholding companies

  3. 集团拥有全资子公司17家,控股子公司9家,参股公司3家。

    It manages 17 wholly owned subsidiaries , 9 shareholding companies , 3 joint stock companies .

  4. 企业集团是以资本为纽带的母公司、子公司、参股公司和其他企业组成的联合体。

    Enterprise group is a combination of parent company , subsidiary company , sharing company and other corporations through capital connection .

  5. 公司目前拥有十个全资子公司、一个合股公司和两家参股公司。独资、合资或股份有限公司。

    It has 10 subsidiary companies , 1 joint stock company and 2 participating stock companies . proprietorships , partnerships , or corporations .

  6. 中国复材享有自营进出口和代理出口权。现有多家控股公司和参股公司。

    The Corporation is entitled to conduct import and export and it possesses several holding companies and is the shareholder of some other companies as wel .

  7. 中国电子拥有26家全资子公司、0家控参股公司、家境外公司和4家控股上市公司。国企改制过程中及国有控股参股公司中职务犯罪的法律适用问题

    It is under the direct administration of china 's central government . Legal application of job-related crimes in restructuring process of state-owned enterprises and state-controlled shareholding companies

  8. 经过多年的不懈努力,目前已发展成为一个在海内外拥有多家分公司及控股、参股公司的高科技产业型经济实体。

    Through years of continuous and unremitting efforts , it has developed into a high-tech industrial economic entity with numerous domestic and foreign subsidiaries and holding and joining companies .

  9. 要判断我所参股公司明年的财务结果,将是四分之一世纪以来我在商界遭遇的最困难的预测任务。

    Judging next year 's financial outcome for the companies I am involved in is the hardest such task I have known in a quarter of a century in commerce .

  10. 《中国药房》杂志白手起家,历经13年,已发展成为具有一定规模的杂志社,并有3家控股公司和1家参股公司。

    The magazine , China Pharmacy , started 13 years ago , now has developed into a publishing house with considerable scale and possesses 3 holding companies and 1 shareholding company .

  11. 第三、价值创造能力是基于各个价值主体所占有资源的基础之上的,企业集团的决策包括对整个价值网络的构建和管理,而不仅仅是母公司对子公司以及参股公司的管理和控制。

    Decision-making of corporate groups not only involves in the parent corporation constructing and managing to the subsidiary companies and share-holding companies , but involves in all of constructing and managing the value network as well .

  12. 企业集团是由具有控制地位的母公司为核心,以控股子公司、参股公司及相对独立的由母公司控制的其他企业或组织组成的企业联合体。

    Enterprise group is a company which is composed of a core parent company , a manipulative role , some subsidiary holding companies , stock-shared companies and some enterprises or units controlled by the parent company .

  13. 为了规避法律的规制,上市公司关联交易的形式在不断翻新,下属子公司与参股公司成为了主要的关联方。

    In order to circumvent the law of the regulation , in the form of related party transactions of listed companies in the ever-changing , with shares of the company became a subsidiary of the main related parties .

  14. 转轨经济背景下,我国国有企业正日益呈现出一种多元化的企业所有制格局,表现为国有独资、国家控股、国家参股公司的同时并存。

    Under the shunted economy background , our State-owned enterprises are increasingly taking on a sort of multiple enterprise possession pattern , which manifest state-owned single contributive enterprises , nation holding companies and nation share companies together existing contemporarily .

  15. 若单个子公司或参股公司的经营业绩同比出现大幅波动,且对公司合并经营业绩造成重大影响的,公司应当对其业绩波动情况及其变动原因进行分析。

    If the operating performance of a single subsidiary or shareholding company is significantly fluctuated , and which caused the significant impact on the company 's consolidated business performances , the company shall analyze the fluctuations of operating performance and relevant reasons .

  16. 监督的对象是由其投资、控股的国家出资企业,即国有资产经营公司的子企业,包括国有独资公司、国有独资企业、国有资本控股公司、国有资本参股公司。

    The supervisory objects are the state-owned investment enterprises that invested and held by it , i.e , the subsidiary enterprises of the state-owned assets management company , including wholly state-owned companies , wholly state-owned enterprises , state-owned capital holding companies and state-owned capital share companies .

  17. 希望更加直接地参股海外公司的投资者获得了新的机会。

    New opportunities are opening up for investors who want a more direct stake in overseas companies .

  18. 豪迈公司创建者之一,现年85岁活跃的GerhardSchuler先生正在与德意志参股上市公司(DBAG)处于争斗之中。DBAG是一家私人股权公司,曾经是Schuler先生理想中的合作伙伴。

    Gerhard Schuler , one of its founders , now a sprightly 85 , is at war with Deutsche Beteiligungs AG ( DBAG ) , a private-equity firm that was once his dream partner .

  19. 参股证券公司的动因分析

    Analysis of the Driving Factors for Securities Firms to Invest in Equity

  20. 各参股项目公司可参照本制度拟定相关制度。

    The joint-stock project companies can draft relevant systems by referring to this system .

  21. 同时尤其值得注意的事,银行参股保险公司后所引发的潜在风险,如,关联交易风险、银行信誉风险、保险产品风险和监管风险。

    At the same time the particularly noteworthy things are that the bank shares in the insurance company may raise the potential risk , such as the risk associated with trading , banking credit risk , insurance risk and regulatory risk .

  22. 启示二:民营资本运作,投资参股目标公司的目的是取得股权收益,而不是目标项目生产经营收益,这一点与传统投资行为有着本质的区别。

    The purpose of capitalization , investing as the stockholder of target company for privately-owned enterprise is to attain stock right profits , rather than production operation profits of the target project . This marks its basically difference from the traditional investment method .

  23. 来自西西里的马可•德•文岑佐(MarcodeVincenzo)在这一代年轻设计师中脱颖而出,他被芬迪家族(Fendifamily)慧眼识中,今年二月,法国时尚巨擘路易维登(LVMH)也参股了他的公司。

    Sicilian Marco de Vincenzo , who was spotted by the Fendi family and in whom French powerhouse LVMH bought a stake in February this year is the breakout star of a new generation .

  24. 但是现实中存在这样的矛盾:随着国际经济新秩序的不断建立,各国经济交往频繁,相互投资参股、设立公司,已成为各国经济中不可缺少的一个重要组成部分,经济全球化的趋势不容怀疑。

    However , there exist conflicts : first , with the development of global international communication , corporations have been one necessary part of the national economy .

  25. 比如商业银行纷纷设立基金公司,建立金融租赁公司,参股信托、保险公司等。

    Such as commercial banks have set up fund management companies , the establishment of financial leasing companies , equity trusts , and insurance companies .

  26. 外资参股给中国保险公司引进了先进的管理模式,同时也加剧了国内寿险市场的竞争。

    The foreign capital share-holding the China Insurance Company has introduced the advanced management pattern form , simultaneously also intensified the domestic life insurance market competition .

  27. 你向他们提供了三家你参股的投资管理公司的名字但很多人觉得远不止这几家公司

    You provided them with the names of three investment management companies you had a stake in , but a lot of people believe there are many more .

  28. 境外发债所得资金以参股形式注入内地公司之后,内地公司只能以税后股息的形式将资金返还离岸实体。

    Having received cash from an offshore bond sale in the form of an equity injection , the onshore company may only send money back to the offshore entity in the form of after-tax dividends .

  29. 上市公司参股银行成为继参股券商、担保公司、信耗公司、基金公司的又一亮点,上市公司已全面触及金融业的整个链条。

    The high financing pay - back has been attracting listed companies , which , as another banking equity participant after security company , guarantee company , trust and fund , etc , merged itself into the whole chain of financial industry .