
  1. 基于BPR的电子中介业务流程

    BPR-Based Business Operation Procedure in Electronic Brokering

  2. 中介业务,媒介作用:指一个金融机构使用其名义和信誉介入一个贷款人和一个借款人之间的过程。

    Intermediation : Process whereby a financial institution interposes its names and trustworthiness between a lender and a borrower .

  3. 浙江一位从事短期借贷中介业务的经纪人表示,为了给有钱客户管理资金,他不得不许下年息20%以上的承诺,这大致相当于基准存款利率的6倍。

    To manage funds for wealthy clients , a money broker in Zhejiang Province said he had to promise more than 20 per cent in annual interest , or around 6 times the benchmark deposit rate .

  4. 二是房地产网络广告应进一步完善和发展中介业务;四是房地产网络广告应充分利用电子计算机和网络新技术。

    Second , the network advertisement of the real estate should fully utilize the new technology of computer and network ; fourth , the network advertisement of the real estate should be perfected and further develop intermediary 's business .

  5. 近几年来,在国际上投资银行逐渐与企业资本运营结合起来,并逐渐发展成为专门从事企业兼并、资金融通、资产重组、资产证券化顾问和中介业务的金融机构。

    In recent years , in the world market , investment banks have gradually involved with capital management in enterprises , and have become financial institutions which are specialized in enterprise merger , capital financing , assets reorganization , consultation for going public and agency businesses .

  6. 基于BPR的指导原则,设计了电子中介基本业务流程。

    Guided by the principles of BPR , a typical business operation procedure is designed for electronic brokers .

  7. 然后COE将确定对应的项目团队以构建和部署不同版本的服务,这些服务版本通过中介、业务规则、选择器和动态业务组装程序进行路由。

    Then the COE identifies the corresponding project teams to build and deploy different versions of services routed through mediators , business rules , selectors , and business dynamic assemblers .

  8. 本文从中介机构业务范围、中介机构规模、中介机构组织形式、强化职业道德教育等诸方面对风险规避问题加以分析,提出了有效规避风险的建议。

    This article analyzes the risk avoidance problems of intermediary service agencies in details , such as the operation range , scale and organization forms , as well as strengthening the professional ethics education . Thereafter , the author provides some effective suggestions respectively .

  9. 它包含一个中介流及业务过程。

    It includes a mediation flow and a business process .

  10. 聚合多个消息以创建新的、复杂事件的中介必须符合业务需求,即使在期望的事件延迟或根本没有到达时也该如此。

    Mediations that aggregate multiple messages to create new , complex events must meet business needs even when expected events arrive late or not at all .

  11. 湖南省体育中介市场经纪业务的发展不平衡,各项业务开发度不高成为制约市场客体发展的主要问题。

    The development of brokering is imbalances in Hunan sports agency market , and the development level of various business is low which have become the main objects of the market .

  12. 这使得缺省序列化器能够将此XML消息转换为可以在中介中操作的业务对象。

    This enables the default serializer to transform this XML message into a business object we can manipulate in the mediation .

  13. 不过,如果Header是隐式的,这就意味着需要在中介模块中以业务对象的形式定义Header的结构。

    If , however , the header is implicit , this means you need to define the structure of the header in terms of a business object within your mediation module .

  14. 在中介领域内,业务领域请求和提供服务,而它们之间的交互是独立(或联合)控制的。

    Business areas request and provide services , and the interactions between them are governed separately , or jointly , in the intermediary area .

  15. 事实上,对于此特定场景,保险的后端服务接口采用与中介接口一样的业务对象。

    In fact , for this particular scenario , the interface for the insurance back-end service takes the same business object as does the mediation interface .

  16. 在整个上市上柜的流程中,承销商主要扮演发行公司和投资人的中介角色,其业务在资本市场中资金需求者与资金供给者间。

    In the whole process , the Underwriters mainly act as intermediaries ( i.e.the issuing firms and investors ) between those who have money to invest , and those who need capital .

  17. 第五部分是住房反向抵押贷款的监管法律制度,主要讨论了贷款机构的市场准入及退出机制、贷款合同的管理登记制度和各类贷款中介组织在该业务中的作用及对其监管的法律原则。

    Finally , legal supervision on the reverse mortgage is mentioned to discuss the market access and exit mechanism for the loan agency , the administration and registration of loan contracts and the function of various intermediary loan agencies along with the laws for supervision on them .

  18. 从经济学的角度探讨中介高收费对中国海员劳务输出业务的影响,提出了开放中国海员劳务中介业务的构想,以期从根本上提高中国海员劳务在国际市场上的竞争力。

    This paper discusses the effects of high intermediary fee on Chinese seafaring labor export services in the economic perspective , puts forward the proposal of opening Chinese market of seafaring intermediary labor service with the hope of enhancing the national competitiveness in the global labor market .

  19. 随着越来越多的门户网站和房地产专业网站涌进中介服务市场,网络与中介服务的大规模结合将使房地产中介服务主体和房地产中介业务的发展趋势深受影响。

    With the emergence of more and more net sites and real estate professional net sites , the combination of net and intermediary services will greatly affect the development of the real estate intermediary service .