
  • 网络BGI;Beijing Genomics Institute
  1. 在收购CompleteGenomics后,这可能会发生变化,因为华大基因计划引入新型基因测序仪。

    That may change with the purchase of Complete Genomics as BGI plans to introduce a new sequencing machine .

  2. 中国在生物技术领域的另一个旗手是总部位于深圳的华大基因(BGI),该公司的前身是北京基因组研究所(BeijingGenomicsInstitute)。

    China 's flag-bearer in biotech is BGI , formerly known as Beijing Genomics Institute and now based in Shenzhen .

  3. 该公司最初名为北京华大基因研究中心(BeijingGenomicsInstitute),在中国科学院的支持下创建。

    The company , originally known as the Beijing Genomics Institute , was created under the aegis of the Chinese Academy of Sciences .

  4. 多数人只是将他们视为DNA分析服务提供商,华大基因的一位投资者表示,实际上,他们正在建立的数据库将让他们变得强大可畏。

    Most people only see them as a service provider for DNA analysis , says a BGI investor . It is the database they are building that will make them formidable .

  5. 华大基因已发展成为全球最大基因组组织,拥有从植物、微生物、人类和动物身上读取、分析和改变DNA的强大能力。

    BGI has grown into the world 's biggest genomics organisation , with a huge capacity to read , analyse and alter DNA from plants , microbes , people and animals .

  6. 华大基因也在拓展国际业务,该公司去年收购了美国一家基因组测序公司完整基因公司(completegenomics),这让它获得了基因测序机技术。

    BGI is also expanding its global reach , and last year acquired US sequencing company complete genomics , giving it access to sequencing machine technology .

  7. 2013年,美国政府外国投资委员会(Cfius)批准了深圳华大基因(BGI-Shenzhen)收购位于加州的完整基因公司(CompleteGenomics)。后者对超过2万个人类基因组进行了测序。

    In 2013 , the US government 's committee on foreign investment ( Cfius ) approved BGI-Shenzhen 's purchase of Complete Genomics in California , which has sequenced more than 20000 human genomes .

  8. 当他们参观华大基因(BGI)总部时,在这家生物科技公司工作的科学家们的伟大理想让二人震惊不已。

    As they toured the BGI headquarters , the two men were stunned by the ambition of the scientists working at the biotech company .

  9. 华大基因是Illumina最大单一客户,占其DNA测序仪订单的40%,每台设备售价高达50万美元。

    BGI was the single biggest customer for Illumina , accounting for as much as 40 per cent of its DNA sequencing machine orders , for equipment that cost up to $ 500,000 apiece .

  10. 其他中国机构——特别是北京的华大基因(BGI)——在基因组编辑(涉及在基因层面改写生物体的特征)领域取得了很大进展。

    Other Chinese institutes , notably BGI in Beijing , are making strides in the field of genome editing , which involves rewriting the characteristics of organisms at the level of genes .

  11. 深圳华大基因研究院称,调查结果将帮助医生选择正确的药品进行治疗。

    BGI says the finding would help doctors choose the right medicines for treatment .

  12. 华大基因的投资者表示,该公司代表着中国新型科技公司。

    BGI 's backers say the company symbolises a new type of Chinese tech company .

  13. 华大基因未来还面临着其他挑战。

    Other challenges lie ahead for BGI .

  14. 尽管华大基因的根基在中国,但该公司正努力变得更国际化。

    While BGI 's roots are in China , it is seeking to become more international .

  15. 然而,华大基因与深圳其他企业一道,可能会很快改变这种形象。

    But BGI , along with other companies in Shenzhen , may soon change that image .

  16. 深圳吸引着那些不甘于平淡且雄心勃勃的人,还吸引了那些特立独行的人,其中就包括华大基因的这些创始人。

    Shenzhen attracts the restless and the ambitious , and the mavericks - among them the founders of BGI .

  17. 华大基因还克服了政治阻力,成为首家成功收购美国上市公司的中国企业。

    It also overcame political opposition , marking the first time a Chinese company successfully acquired a publicly traded US company .

  18. 实际上,华大基因与北京方面有着矛盾的关系,代表着对中国教育和研究模式的挑战。

    In fact , BGI has an ambivalent relationship with Beijing and represents a challenge to the Chinese model of education and research .

  19. 该平台与华大基因的国际先进水平的测序、生物信息学分析能力相结合,将会为生物医药生产的变革做出巨大贡献。

    BGI 's sequencing and bioinformatics capabilities , combined with GT 's CHOmics platform , will contribute to the transformation of biopharmaceutical production .

  20. 行业内部培训的优势是否会超越研究生教育?华大基因的举措是否是预示着一个新时代的到来?

    Is the BGI 's undertaking a sign of things to come , where in-house industrial training becomes more suitable than post graduate study ?

  21. 华大基因的发展并非一个简单的中国崛起的故事,也不代表着中国国家资本主义模式的成功。

    The evolution of BGI is not a straightforward story of Chinese ascendancy , or a victory for China 's model of state capitalism .

  22. 然后,将筛选出来的阳性单克隆送北京华大基因测序。

    Then , a single positive clone were picked out from Chinese Merino sheep cDNA library and delivered them to Beijing Genomics Institute for sequencing .

  23. 这周,中国研究人员跟德国科学家开展合作,在获得病菌样本后3天时间内,华大基因就完成了对这种新型大肠杆菌的基因组测序。

    The Chinese researchers obtained DNA samples of the bacteria from collaborating with scientists in Germany and fully sequenced its genome in three days this week .

  24. 2007年,华大基因决定离开北京,选择在与香港毗邻的深圳设立总部。

    BGI decided to decamp from Beijing in 2007 , choosing to set up its headquarters in Shenzhen , just across the border from Hong Kong .

  25. 华大基因的很多高管在国外受过教育,不那么畏惧体制或者看重中国的既成经商模式。

    Many of BGI 's executives have been partly educated abroad and have little respect for the Chinese establishment or the established way of doing things in the country .

  26. 华大基因的高管不认为这是终极目标,而是新药开发、高级基因研究和公共健康政策改革的一个跳板。

    BGI executives see this not as the end-game , but as the springboard for new drug discoveries , advanced genetic research and a transformation of public health policy .

  27. 在华大基因简单朴素的办公楼里,墙上悬挂着各种照片,从克隆猪到登上珠峰的该公司联合创始人汪建。

    The walls of BGI 's austere building are covered with photos of everything from cloned pigs to Wang Jian , the company 's co-founder , on Mount Everest .

  28. 自从初次参观以来,盖茨基金会的工作人员一直与华大基因在各种基因组研究项目上展开合作,从大米基因组测序到癌症基因组项目合作。

    Since the initial visit , Gates Foundation staffers have partnered BGI on various genetic research projects , from sequencing the rice genome to collaborating on the cancer genome project .

  29. 然而,华大基因的卓越表现给人们带来希望:中国可能会吸引那些在美国一流大学毕业后通常选择继续待在国外的最优秀学生回国。

    However , the prominence of BGI holds out the hope that China can attract back the best students who often choose to stay abroad after graduating from top US universities .

  30. 今年9月,华大基因宣布将销售通过基因编辑和克隆开发的“迷你猪”(最初用于生物医学研究)宠物,此举抓住了公众的想象力。

    In September BGI captured the public imagination with an announcement that " micropigs , " originally developed for biomedical research through gene editing and cloning , would be sold as pets .