
  • 网络Chinese World
  1. 由于种种原因,在华人世界中使用了多种不同版本的汉字,各种版本汉字的计算机内码表示又存在多种标准。

    Because of various reasons , several Chinese characters versions are used in Chinese world , and every version has several internal code standard .

  2. 如今,永和风格的早餐连锁店已经在华人世界声名远播。

    Today , Yonghe-style breakfast joints are famous across the Chinese-speaking world .

  3. 《唐人街》:海外华人世界的成功展现

    Documentary " China Town ": a Successful Unfolding of Overseas Chinese Community

  4. 去年10月12日,高行健获颁2000年诺贝尔文学奖的消息传开后,全球华人世界一片喧哗。

    Chinese all over the world were excited when news spread on Oct 12 last year that Gao Xingjian has won the Nobel Literature Prize 2000 .

  5. 妈祖信仰传承千年,是华人世界里影响最大的女性海神信仰之一,是中华传统文化的重要组成部分。

    As one of the most influential goddess of the sea in China , Mazu culture has been for more than one thousand years , it is an important part of the Chinese traditional culture .

  6. 保有实现未来理想社会的自主权不仅对所有台湾居民意义重大,对整个华人世界甚或全世界均有其重要的意义。

    Preserving the sovereignty of realizing a future ideal society is not only incredibly important for all people living in taiwan , it has major significance for the entire Chinese-speaking world , and even the entire world .

  7. 海外华人是世界文化迁徙中的独特现象。

    The overseas Chinese is of the unique in the global diasporas .

  8. 泰国华校发展受中国、泰国、泰国华人以及世界发展的影响,经历初兴、艰难繁荣、极度衰落、复兴四个阶段。

    The Chinese schools in Thailand have been influenced by the development in China , Thailand , Thai-Chinese and the world since its first establishment .

  9. 华人已经打入世界生物学与医学界的前沿。

    Ethnic Chinese have forged ahead to the forefront of world Biological and medical research .

  10. 华人文学作为世界文学的重要一支,自然也会在这潮流中浮沉。

    As an important branch in the world literature , the Chinese diaspora literature will experience up and down development .

  11. 全球华人,全世界有良知和悲悯之心的人们都给予了灾区人民巨大的支持、鼓励、援助。

    People of disaster areas get huge support , encourage and reinforcement from people all over the world with feeling and conscience .