
  • 网络tunnel length;length of tunnel
  1. 隧道长度和风速对银杏叶中黄酮含量的影响

    Influences of tunnel length and wind speed on the flavanone content of gingko leaf

  2. 有砟道床情况下,微压波峰值随着隧道长度的增加而减小。(4)对于隧道常用缓冲结构形式进行比选。

    In the ballastless cases , with the tunnel length increases , the pressure peak decreases . Lastly , compare and select hood form .

  3. 在隧道长度一定的情况下,隧道洞口噪声随横断面积的增大而增大;

    Given the length , noise from tunnel mouth increases with the increase of the area of the cross - section .

  4. 随着公路隧道长度、交通密度的增加,发生火灾的潜在威胁也在增大。

    With the increase of length , traffic density of highway tunnels , the potential threat of fire has also increased .

  5. 通过对多工况的模拟计算,研究了列车交会速度、隧道长度、隧道净空断面积、交会位置、缓冲结构等影响因素对高速列车在隧道内交会过程车体表面压力、气动力变化。

    By simulating different conditions , a more detailed analysis of the speed of trains passing , tunnel length , Cross-sectional area , location of two trains meeting , buffer structure and influencing factors of the high-speed train meeting in the tunnel process bodywork surface pressure and aerodynamic changes .

  6. 这样,他就可以确定隧道的长度。

    In this way , he could determine how long the tunnel should be .

  7. 130例采用自创的经简便皮下隧道(长度5cm)后股静脉置管(试验组),130例非经皮下隧道股静脉置管(对照组)。

    A simplified subcutaneous tunnel method was used for 130 patients ( trial group ), and 130 others were catheterized with non subcutaneous tunnel ( control group ) .

  8. 巧克力沿隧道的长度方向在三个区域内冷却对流式冷却。

    Along the direction of the length , cooling takes place in three zones ;

  9. 分析隧道平巷长度对管道固定墩推力的影响规律,得知进出洞口处固定墩推力随隧道平巷长度的增大而非线性增加。

    Pipeline anchor block push force influence regulation study caused by tunnel length is analyzed , and push force increases with tunnel slope increasing .

  10. 随着水下公路隧道修建长度的增加、规模的增大,运营通风问题成为了影响水下公路隧道成功建设和安全运营重要控制因素之一。

    With the length and scale of underwater tunnel increasing , tunnel ventilation becomes one of the important control factors of the triumphant building and safe operation of underwater tunnel .

  11. 近年来,山区高速公路、铁路路线标准越来越高,隧道的长度和数量不断增加,使这一类病害愈发常见。

    In recent years , this type of diasters has been becoming more prevalent with the standards of highway , railway getting higher and the length and number of tunnel increasing .

  12. 武广客运专线是国内第一条全线铺设无碴轨道的铁路线路,设计时速快,技术标准高,隧道总长度占整个线路的17%。

    As the first domestic railway line which is a total ballastless track , Wu-Guang passenger dedicated line is designed high in both speed and technique standard . The total length of tunnels is about 17 % of the line .

  13. 对隧道抗震设防长度与洞口段围岩性质、衬砌断面形式的关系以及隧道洞口段的加固措施进行了研究。

    The relation between the strengthening length of the tunnel anti-seismic and the properties of surround rock of tunnel entrance and the shape of tunnel liner is analyzed .

  14. 且隧道断面、长度越来越长。这样,隧道的安全性问题至关重要,隧道内发生事故的预警与救援必将成为重要课题。

    The length of tunnel section gets longer , which leads to large of critical security issues . Therefore , early warning of accidents in tunnel and rescue become an important task .

  15. 计算结果表明:抗震设防长度主要与洞口段围岩性质有关,洞口段松软、破碎的围岩越长,隧道的设防长度就越长;

    The results show that the anti-seismic fortified length in tunnel outlet mainly relates with conditions of surrounding rock . The longer of the weak and fragmental surrounding rock , the longer of reinforced liner in tunnel outlet .

  16. 某集装箱码头打桩施工紧邻拟建的大直径越江隧道,桩身长度达到50m,隧道直径约18m。

    The pile driving of a container terminal is close to the large-diameter tunnel to be built , with the length of pile being up to 55 m and the diameter of tunnel being about 18 m.

  17. 骨隧道内植入不同长度自体肌腱重建前交叉韧带生物力学研究

    Biomechanical research of reconstructing anterior cruciate ligament by implanting various length of autogenous tendon into bone tunnel

  18. 随着西部大开发战略的深入,公路建设成为区域大开发战略的首要任务,随之而来公路隧道的数量和长度与日俱增。

    With deeply development of Western strategy , highway construction is becoming the first task in a regional developing strategy , following a fast increasing on numbers and lengths with the highway tunnel .

  19. 目的:探讨采用狗自体跟腱重建前交叉韧带,骨隧道内移植肌腱的不同长度对腱骨愈合质量的影响,以寻找较合适的骨隧道内移植物长度指导临床上的应用。

    Objective To investigate the the influence of tendon length in bone tunnel on tendon-bone healing when using Achilles ' tendon autograft for ACL reconstruction .

  20. 分析隧道气动效应的影响因素,隧道长度、道床形式以及车头形状对于压力波的传播有重要影响。

    Analyzes the influence factors of the tunnel aerodynamics effect , it is discovered that the tunnel length , the railway bed form as well as the front of a train shape have the important influence regarding to the pressure wave diffusion .

  21. 试验条件下侵蚀初期隧道孔的初始生长速度约为5.8mm/s,隧道孔极限长度L是47~50mm。

    The growth velocity of tunnels on etched foil at the research conditions is 5.8 mm / sec . , and the limited length 47 ~ 50 mm .

  22. 寻求能满足海底隧道施工和运营安全的最小岩石覆盖厚度,将会缩短隧道长度,节省大量工程造价,带来巨大的经济效益。

    To seek the minimum rock cover which can meet the safety need in the course of construction and operation , will shorten the length of the tunnel , save a lot of project cost , and bring huge economic benefits .

  23. 文章针对车辆为双向行驶的低等级公路隧道,研究无需进行机械通风而仅采用自然通风的隧道最大长度,该长度与交通量、行车速度、隧道纵坡、交通车辆类型等因素有关。

    The paper studies the maximum lengths for natural ventilation in low class highway tunnels which are dependent on traffic volume , car speeds , longitudinal grades of tunnels , types of vehicles , etc.

  24. 隧道按截面分为圆形、矩形、拱形、椭圆等形状,按照长度分为短隧道、中等长度隧道、长隧道。

    All tunnels have complex cross section with circular , rectangle , arch , ellipse shape , In accordance with the length of the tunnel is divided into short , medium length of the tunnel , long tunnel .

  25. 该隧道通过地层主要为上古生界下石炭统(C1)石灰岩,占隧道长度的95%,属浅埋岩溶隧道。

    The main stratum the tunnel passes through is limestone of Carboniferous Series ( Cl ) of Palaeozoic Group , taking 95 % of the total length .

  26. 以南京长江隧道为例,计算了在地震动为高斯平稳随机过程的地震荷载作用下该隧道整个长度上的动力反应均方根值。

    The dynamical mean-square responses of the Nanjing Changjiang Tunnel under Gauss Stationary Random Process were calculated .

  27. 本文介绍了国外推船隧道尾型的设计准则,分析了现代推船隧道尾型设计的趋势:隧道尾的相对长度增大;

    This paper gives an account of the design criteria of the pushboat tunnel form abroad , and analyses the trend of the design of the modern pushboat tunnel form , the increase of the relative length of the tunnel stern ?

  28. 在水下隧道施工中,覆盖层厚度不仅对其安全性起着决定性作用,而且还是决定水下隧道造价和长度的主要因素。

    In underwater tunnel construction , the cover thickness not only plays the decisive role in its security , but al-so is a leading factor determining the underwater tunnels cost and length .