
  • 网络glacier bay;Glacier Bay National Park;Cruising
  1. 冰川湾国家公园和禁猎区

    Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve

  2. 冰川湾有许多冰原(确切的说是50个),大部分都有上亿年的历史了。

    Glacier Bay has plenty 50 , to be exact most of which are eons old .

  3. 冰川湾是喜欢冒险的旅客必须要去的地方。从安克雷奇到冰川湾的旅途中,你可以看到无数的海鸟、水獭、熊、甚至是座头鲸。

    A must-see stop on any adventurous traveler 's itinerary , a trip from Anchorage to Glacier Bay on Carnival Alaska will include sightings of numerous seabirds , otters , bears and even humpback whales .