
  • 网络Gletschergarten;Glacier Garden;Gletscher Garten / Glacier Garden;the glacier park
  1. 冰川公园里的游客将学习读懂上个冰河时代的一些迹象,那些更有兴趣的人在毕加索博物馆可以欣赏到一些对后来的杰作。

    Those more interested in the Picasso Museum can admire some of the later masterpieces , while visitors to the Glacier Garden will learn to read the signs of the last ice age .

  2. 在蒙大拿州的国家冰川公园徒步旅行一直是我的梦想。

    Hiking in Montana 's Glacier National Park had always been my dream .

  3. 这发生在国家冰川公园里。

    This is happening in Glacier National park .

  4. 这两条河被认为是一条河流,两条河的源头都在位于蒙大拿州的国家冰川公园,都向北流入加拿大。

    The headwaters of both rivers are in Glacier National Park in Montana , and both flow north into Canada .

  5. 如果目前的全球变暖趋势继续下去,到2030年国家冰川公园就再也见不到冰川了。

    If current global warming trends continue , there will be no glaciers left in Glacier National Park by 2030 .

  6. 大约10000年前,位于蒙大拿州国家冰川公园的冰川有约1.6公里(1英里)深。

    Around 10000 years ago , the ice in the area of Montana 's Glacier National Park was about 1.6 kilometers ( 1 mi ) deep .

  7. 气温升高可能意味着冰川国家公园不再有冰川了。

    Rising temperatures could mean no more glaciers in Glacier National Park .

  8. 冰川国家公园之名源自于其冰河景色。

    Glacier National Park is named for the glaciers that produced its landscape .

  9. 四川省的海螺沟国家冰川森林公园也有大批游客涌入,云南省则有广受欢迎的明永冰川。

    In Sichuan Province , tourists flock to Hailuogou National Glacier Forest Park , and Yunnan Province has the popular Mingyong Glacier .

  10. 黄石公园和冰川国家公园,以及约塞米蒂和大峡谷国家公园的附加活动都有望于2016年开放,。

    Additional operations are in Yellowstone and Glacier National Park , with two more - near Yosemite and Grand Canyon - expected to open in 2016 .

  11. 从冰川国家公园和德纳里峰到葛底斯堡和塞尼卡瀑布,我国400多个公园和其它遗址承载着历史并吸引我们探究其奥妙。

    From Glacier and Denali to Gettysburg and Seneca Falls , our more than 400 parks and other sites capture our history and our sense of wonder .

  12. 这一张几个小时前刚刚处理完,勾起了对冰川国家公园的许多美好回忆。

    I just completed this one a few hours ago , and it brought back good memories of Glacier National Park . I don 't think I ever really got warm there .

  13. 文章细述了各个景观资源的特征,提出了建设螺髻山冰川构造地质公园的构想建议。

    The characteristics of geological relic landscape resources were expatiated in the paper .

  14. 超过300个山顶冰川,是公园里数目众多的瀑布的水源。

    Over 300 glaciers top the mountains , feeding the park 's many waterfalls .

  15. 冰川湾国家公园和禁猎区

    Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve

  16. 沃特顿冰川国际和平公园

    Waterton Glacier International Peace Park

  17. 以国家公园为家的动植物物种们需要冷水,这意味着冰川消失之后该公园将要承受剧烈变化。

    Many of the plant and animal species that call the park home require cold water , meaning the ecosystem of the park stands to change dramatically when the glaciers are gone .

  18. 冰川会融化,而在蒙大拿州的冰川国家公园,它们确实在消融中。

    Glaciers may melt away , as indeed they are at Glacier National Park in Montana .