
  • Ice;Icing;Ice packing
  1. 用冰敷消肿。

    Use ice to reduce the swelling .

  2. 颈部冰敷在腹腔镜甲状腺术后的临床应用

    Clinical ap plication of neck ice compress on following laparoscopic thyroidectomy operation

  3. 全膝关节置换术后冰敷结合CPM的康复效果观察

    Clinical observation on curative effect of recovery from illness in ice compress and CPM to cure patients post-Total Knee Arthroplasty

  4. 我们通常使用冰敷,或冷敷热敷交替,有时需要固定。根据传统,你可以使用所谓的Rice方案,这是以下几个步骤的首字母缩写:REST休息,ICE冰敷,COMPRESSION压迫,ELEVATION抬高

    We often use icing , or intermittent heating , with the icing , sometimes immobilization , in traditional medicine , you should use what 's called The Rice Protocol , which is an acronym for : REST , ICE , COMPRESSION , ELEVATION

  5. 自然产后冰敷会阴的效果观察

    Clinical study of the effectiveness of perineum ice compress after delivery

  6. 对不起,来冰敷吧。

    I 'm sorry . we 'll put some ice on it .

  7. 如果有任何肿胀,裹上一条冰敷毛巾。

    Apply ice wrapped in a towel if there is any swelling .

  8. 关节镜术后患者局部冰敷的临床效果

    Clinical Therapeutic Effects of Ice Therapy for Patients after Arthroscopy

  9. 受伤后越快用冰敷,效果越好。

    The sooner you get the ice on the injury , the better .

  10. 后来,我用冰块冰敷受伤的脚。

    Afterward I packed my foot in ice .

  11. 他把冰敷在肿痛的腿上。

    He applied ice to his swollen leg .

  12. 冰敷15min/次,每天两三次;

    Ice compress for 15 mins each time and 2 - 3 times each day ;

  13. 为了缓解疼痛和减少炎症,应当在跑后立刻冰敷你的胫骨。

    To ease the pain and reduce inflammation , ice your shins immediately after running .

  14. 他正在冰敷鼻子!

    Got some ice on his nose .

  15. 我吃了一大堆药,肿起来的地方每天还得冰敷两次。

    I take tons of pills and put ice on the swollen area twice a day .

  16. 结论冰敷会阴对于减轻自然产后会阴肿胀及疼痛有一定疗效。

    Conclusion Perineum ice compress is a good method to release perineum swelling and pain after delivery .

  17. 治疗部位如果有红肿不适,可用冰敷。

    If there is redness and swelling does not apply to the treatment site , available ice .

  18. 局部冰敷及地塞米松预防盖诺静脉注射导致静脉炎的研究

    A study on effect of ice compression and dexmethasone on preventing phlebitis caused by navelbine intravenous injection

  19. 目的探讨颈部冰敷对防止甲状腺术后颈部水肿、伤口血肿的效果。

    Objective To investigate the effectiveness of neck ice compress preventing neck edema and incision hematoma following thyroid operation .

  20. 踝关节骨折术后棉垫加压配合冰敷疗效观察

    Clinical observation on curative effect of pressurized bandaging with cotton pad and ice compress to cure ankle fracture post-operation

  21. 她练习纾压,也学习在感觉偏头痛即将来袭的时候采用若干方法减轻症状:冰敷、待在昏暗的房间,还有放松。

    She worked at relieving stress and learned what helps when she feels a migraine coming on : ice packs , a dark room and relaxation .

  22. 每天早晨冰敷脸部可起到收缩毛孔,消除浮肿,去眼袋和减少肌肤红血丝的作用。

    Apply one to your face each morning to temporarily tighten pores , reduce swelling , get rid of puffy eyes , and eliminate any redness .

  23. 结论出现丝裂霉素渗漏性损伤后尽早采取冰敷治疗措施,可有效防止皮肤炎性反应及坏死,是一种有效的治疗方法。

    Conclusion Ice compress , which can prevent inflammation and necrosis in skin , is one of the most effective treatment methods for mitomycin C extravasation injuries .

  24. 目的探讨采用10%盐水冰敷冰袋在急性白血病高热病人物理降温中的效果。

    Objective To investigate the effect of physical cooling method of ice compress bag with 10 % ice saline using in acute leukemia patients with high fever .

  25. 休斯在星期二赛后冰敷他的手臂,说他在洋基球场平地连续投了三天了。

    Hughes had his arm wrapped in ice after Tuesday 's game , saying that he 'd thrown on flat ground for three consecutive days at Yankee Stadium .

  26. 使用一些像埃德维尔、布洛芬等止痛药来治疗炎性反应,或者是冰敷,伸展肌肉,这些方法都可以治疗“自拍肘”。

    The condition can be treated by taking pain relievers like Advil or Motrin for the inflammation and putting on some ice as well as stretching the muscles .

  27. 巴拉克跛足下场,冰敷其臀。他在明天需要仔细检查,切尔西不希望会有严重的问题。

    Michael Ballack limped off holding an ice pack to his hip . He will have a scan tomorrow but Chelsea do not expect it to be a serious problem .

  28. 试验组:术后即与冰袋持续冷敷膝关节,每隔6小时更换一次冰袋,持续冰敷7天,配合术后康复锻炼。

    Treatment group : continuous cold with cold packs after the postoperative , every 6 hours to replace an ice pack , continuous ice for 4 days , with the postoperative rehabilitation exercises .

  29. 结果冰敷组会阴肿胀及疼痛程度均明显低于对照组,且随冰敷次数增加,疗效进一步增强。

    Results The degrees of swelling and pain of experiment group were obviously lower than those of control group . Moreover , with the increased times of ice compress , the effectiveness was better .

  30. 腰部包扎、冰敷、止痛药、物理治疗能缓减腰痛,但如果需要任何路程,那么,仅仅卧床休养可能更好。

    Taping of the low back , ice , analgesics and some physical treatment may help to reduce pain . However , if any one of these requires any degree of travel , then bed rest alone may be preferable .