
niǔ shāng
  • sprain;strain;twist;wrench;rick
扭伤 [niǔ shāng]
  • [sprain] 突然而猛烈的扭转拉伤韧带但未造成关节脱位

  • 扭伤肌肉

扭伤[niǔ shāng]
  1. 他脚踝受了严重的扭伤。

    He got a foot sprain in his ankle .

  2. 下颌扭伤对幼年大白鼠TMJ的影响

    The effect of mandibular sprain on young rat TMJ

  3. 一个球员拖着扭伤的脚踝一瘸一拐地走下场。

    One player limped off the field with a twisted ankle .

  4. 她摔得很重,扭伤了脚踝,只好退出比赛。

    She fell badly , spraining her ankle , and had to retire .

  5. 她把脚踝扭伤了,一瘸一拐地走着。

    She had twisted her ankle and was limping .

  6. 她跌倒时把膝盖扭伤了。

    She wrenched her knee when she fell .

  7. 克纳汉因为扭伤脖子而错过了联赛。

    Kernaghan missed the United game after he ricked his neck

  8. 她在车祸中颈部扭伤。

    She was suffering from whiplash injuries received in a car crash .

  9. 他在一次锻炼中扭伤了背部。

    He strained his back during a practice session .

  10. 鲁珀特·穆恩扭伤了膝盖,无法参加今天的训练。

    Rupert Moon is out of today 's session with a twisted knee .

  11. 他因摔倒而严重扭伤了脚踝。

    He had wrenched his ankle badly from the force of the fall .

  12. 他扭伤的脖子治好了。

    He recovered from a ricked neck .

  13. 他摔了一跤,扭伤了脚踝。

    He fell and sprained his ankle .

  14. 他踢足球时扭伤了脚脖子。

    He sprained his ankle when playing football .

  15. 我的脚踝扭伤了,不能行动。

    I was out of action with a sprained ankle .

  16. 我向后仰得过度了,扭伤了脖子。

    I bent back too far and hurt my neck .

  17. 她滑冰时扭伤了脚踝。

    She turned her ankle while ice skating .

  18. 她手臂扭伤得很厉害。

    She wrenched her arm badly .

  19. 教练员不得不让扭伤脚踝的球星暂不上场比赛。

    The coach had to keep his star player on the bench with a sprained ankle .

  20. 我自从扭伤了足踝,就走不了很远,真不知道它什么时候便会动弹不得。

    Ever since I sprained my ankle I have been unable to walk very far , as I never know when it will give out .

  21. 对最近的一些伤病,例如扭伤和头痛,建议进行冷敷。

    For recent injuries such as sprains and headaches , cold compresses are recommended .

  22. 她摔倒时扭伤了脚踝。

    She twisted her ankle when she fell .

  23. 跌打扭伤,肌肉疼痛,肌肉疲劳,腰痛,肩肌僵直,背痛。

    Bruises , sprains , muscular pain , muscular fatigue , lumbago , stiff shoulders , backache .

  24. 每年都有数千起消费者受伤事件是由开启包装的工具或物品外包装导致的,伤情包括手指被割伤或者手腕扭伤,而在有些情况下,人们在打开包装的过程中还会导致里面的物品损毁。

    Consumers suffer thousands of injuries per year , such as cut fingers and sprained2 wrists , from tools used to open packages and from packaging itself , and in some cases damage the items they are trying to free from packaging .

  25. 赛道的这种迅速变化会使人的脚、髋、腿易受压力冲击,例如跑步下坡可能挤到甚至扭伤脚趾,而在平路或缓坡上跑步的人则不会受到这些影响。

    These rapid course changes can subject your feet , hips14 and legs to forces and stresses that may not affect someone running on level roads or gradual inclines . Running downhill , for example , may lead to jammed and sprained15 toes .

  26. 可能会因为清除途中障碍物而过度拉伸,或因为急转弯而牵拉到跟腱、扭伤脚踝或膝盖,也可能被绊倒——摔倒还可能造成擦伤和头部损伤。

    You may overstretch to clear an object in your path , or you may swerve12 suddenly and pull a tendon , twist an ankle or knee , or trip and fall . With falls , abrasions13 and head injuries aren 't out of the question , too .

  27. Howard缺阵10场,George在因右膝扭伤缺阵7场比赛后已于(当地时间)周二复出。

    Howard was absent for10 , and George returned Tuesday after missing seven games with a sprained right knee .

  28. 76人周日宣布福尔茨的X光检查结果为阴性,但是这样的侧向脚踝扭伤也需要1到2个星期来恢复。

    The team said Sunday that X-rays were negative but that a lateral ankle sprain will prevent him from taking part in basketball activities for one to two weeks .

  29. 双氯芬酸钾片(diclofenacpotassium)是一种非甾体镇痛抗炎药,对创伤性和扭伤性损伤及相关的中重度疼痛和炎症有很好的疗效,特别对急性状态的疼痛治疗效果尤佳。

    Diclofenac potassium is a kind of anti-inflammatory and analgesic agents . It is very effective for the inflammation and moderate and severe pain caused by trauma and sprain , especially for acute pain .

  30. 分别在治疗前、治疗中、治疗后观察受试者的视觉模拟评分法(VAS)、踝关节扭伤症状积分(ASI),包括关节疼痛指数、关节障碍指数、关节肿胀、关节红热等情况。

    Respectively before treatment , after treatment . The trial observed the subjects ' visual analogue scale ( VAS ), ankle sprains symptom integral ( ASI ), including joint pain , joint disorders index , joint swelling , joint red , and so on and so forth .