
  • 网络heat stroke;heat syncope
  1. 根据ABC等西语媒体的消息,在英勇地、无数次闯进大火中寻找幸存者后,达伊卡曾多次受伤、热昏厥,尽管兽医以及消防员都采取了急救措施,但它还是最终死于心脏病突发。

    According to Spanish-language news , such as ABC , Dayko suffered from heat stroke and injuries while braving the flames to find more victims , ultimately succumbing to a heart attack - despite resuscitation attempts by veterinarians and firefighters .

  2. 那位妇人因热而昏厥,但很快苏醒过来。

    The woman had fainted from the heat , but she soon revived .