
xiàn chǎnɡ qiǎnɡ jiù
  • On-site rescue;salvage at scene
  1. 批量冲烧毒复合伤伤员的致伤特点和现场抢救策略

    Characteristics and Clinical Rescue of Chemical - burn-blast Combined Injury

  2. 良好的群体素质,准确、快速有效地现场抢救是成功的关键

    Good group quality , accurate , rapid , effective rescuing

  3. 用于床旁和基层进行现场抢救治疗。

    It can be used for on-the-spot and bedside treatment .

  4. 结果:急诊科现场抢救成功率为80%,手术抢救成功率为72%。

    The successful rate of the operation was 72 % .

  5. 他立即担当起医生的角色,开始在现场抢救他的生命。

    He quickly clicked into doctor mode setting about saving his life on the spot .

  6. 事故的伤亡以及事故的现场抢救、伤亡的善后处理、生产力和劳动力的各项损失,以及为此所付出的各种费用,都给国家造成了巨大的经济损失。

    The cost for the casualties and rescuing , the productivity and labor force , bring tremendous economic losses .

  7. 微博上照片显示,上海外滩人流拥挤,救援人员在现场抢救躺在地上的伤者。

    In some photographs , rescue workers were seen trying to resuscitate victims lying on the pavement while ambulances waited nearby .

  8. 惠特曼解释说,环保署曾建议让他们穿防护服,戴面罩,但是很多参加现场抢救的人员因为这种装备太笨拙而拒穿。

    The EPA advised wearing protective clothing and masks , Whitman says , but many working on the site rejected the gear as too cumbersome .

  9. 71岁女性,入院前因突然发生急性心肌梗塞合并心原性休克,现场抢救8个小时

    " A lady , 71 years old , had first-aid treatment for about 8 hours prior to her admission at the spot where she developed a sudden attack of acute myocardial infarction "

  10. 为此,对重度电击伤病人从现场抢救,入院后心、肺、脑、肾以及伤口、心理等方面的护理进行综述。

    Therefore , this article summarized the severe electric injury from the aspects of spot first-aid , nursing care of heart , lung , brain , renal , wound , and psychological of patients after admission .

  11. 气防站布置应便于对事故现场展开抢救。

    The gas safety service shall be arranged in favor of rescue works on accident site .

  12. 矿山救护队是在矿山发生灾害时,能迅速赶赴现场、抢救伤员、处理灾害的救护组织。

    The mine rescue team is a rescue organization of reaching the scene , rescue the wounded and deal with the situation when the disaster happens in the mine .

  13. 美国总统奥巴马说,他为在飞机失事中失去亲人的家属和朋友,也为前往失事现场紧急抢救的工作人员祈福祷告。

    President Obama said his thoughts and prayers are with the families and friends who lost loved ones in the crash , and with the emergency workers who responded to the disaster .

  14. 王子在事故现场被暂时抢救,然后立即被送往奥地利西部城市因斯布鲁克治疗。荷兰政府称王子情况稳定但未脱离危险。

    He was resuscitated at the scene and taken to hospital in Innsbruck - the Dutch government said he was stable but not out of danger .