
  • 网络presence;live;liveness
  1. 数字化展示设计以传统方式无法抗衡的互动性、综合性和强烈的现场感、更符合信息时代人们的阅读方式,深受各界人士的喜爱。

    Digital display design is more attractive with its interactivity , comprehensiveness , strong presence , and coincidence with modern reading style .

  2. 以Facebook旗下OculusVR公司为代表的虚拟现实技术公司面临的一大问题是,这种技术难以带来真正的现场感。

    One problem facing the companies that make virtual-reality technology , such as Facebook-owned Oculus VR , is a lack of true presence .

  3. 聘请中国专家,多播报时效性强的新闻节目,增强新闻现场感。

    Engage Chinese experts , take more mouth broadcast and strengthen scene feel of news .

  4. 记者参与出镜的这种报道方式极大地加强了电视新闻的现场感。

    The way of the participation of journalists has greatly enhanced the sense of live news .

  5. 新闻目击式的新鲜性和现场感,不仅增强着消息的新闻价值,而且也提升了人们的新闻阅读能力。

    The freshness and the sense of on the spot strengthen the value of news and also prompt the ability to appreciate news .

  6. 作者依靠三重叙述者的叙述构建了与读者的交流模式,成功地为一个虚构故事获得了真实的现场感,赢得一百多年来读者的信任。

    All of the narrators helped the implied author constructing its communication pattern of the novel , and gained the reliable of its reliance .

  7. 文学期刊的现场感源于不同文本之间的相互影响与相互渗透,它呈现和促进了不同性质文学的融合生长过程。

    A live scene of literature originating from the mutual influence and penetration of different texts presents and promotes the integrated process of different literatures .

  8. 它以强烈的现场感,最佳的视听效果,成为当今电视新闻大餐中不可缺少的佳肴。

    With strong sense of being on the spot and the best audiovisual effects , it has become an indispensable part in current TV news program .

  9. 从评论角色上看,评论人往往以当事人的姿态出现,给人一种广播评论的现场感。

    From the perspective of the comment role , the commentator often assumes a party in the case to give us a comment on the broadcasting scene .

  10. 回忆录可以提供许多重要的历史细节,记录历史情态和现场感,同时也不免带有回忆者自我合理性的成分。

    The memoir provides many valuable details in history , records historical affection and sense of real scene , and inevitably contains some reasonable elements of the author .

  11. 影像艺术有深厚的美学基础,法兰克福学派的马尔库塞对影像艺术理论有重要的贡献,与传统艺术相比,影像艺术在技术性、现场感、游戏性上有自己的审美特征。

    The Frankfurt School makes great theoretical contribution to it . Compared with traditional arts , visual images art has distinctive aesthetic characteristics in technology , visuality and entertainment .

  12. 本文构建的虚拟实验室突破了以往有机化学虚拟实验室单方位的虚拟场景模式,具有强烈的现场感和沉浸感。

    The virtual laboratory is provided with a strong sense of the scene and immersion and breaks the virtual scene model with single point of previous organic chemistry virtual laboratories .

  13. 还有一些艺术家选择采用装置、行为艺术等强调现场感的形式来拒斥当代社会由于图像过度复制而导致的艺术感消失的问题。

    The second group adopts ways like installation and behavioral art to emphasize scene feeling and to show their spurn at the over-reproduction of images that caused loss of artistic feeling .

  14. 但同时,我们忽视了一件事实:我们会失去很多之前伴随手动机器的浪漫和现场感。

    At the same time , we overlooked the fact that we would remove much of the romance and theatre that was in play with the use of the La Marzocca machines .

  15. 首先,大型精确的运动动作分析系统多数被安置在实验室中,运动数据采集时,由于没有比赛的现场感,采集的数据无法反映比赛场景中的实际情况。

    First , the majority of the large-scale precision motion analysis system is placed in the laboratory , which the data collected does not reflect the actual situation for competition is not live .

  16. 但明代士人们对经典文本的现场感有很强的领悟力,这为后来的经典诠释学提出了新的问题和思路。

    But the Ming 's scholars had good comprehension about the feeling of the scene in the classics , their achievement supplied the new problems and ideas for the future annotation of the classics .

  17. 事实上,时下有越来越多的艺术家开始注重作品的“现场感”,在反复地验证视觉与身体之间存有的天然联系。

    In fact , at the moment more and more artists started to put their emphasis on the " live feeling " of works , repeatedly verifying the natural relation between the vision and the body .

  18. 周杰伦表示,自己的演唱会一般以怀旧和过去的校园老歌为主,粉丝们也在他于伦敦温布利体育馆举行的欧洲第一场演唱会上亲自体验了一把现场感。

    Chou says his concerts are " all about nostalgia and old school tracks , " which his fans got to experience first-hand during his first ever concert in Europe - at the Wembley Arena in London .

  19. 关于那段历历在目、单刀直入,有时候甚至有点可怕的日子,我最珍惜的除了便宜的票价(通常比一品托酒还便宜),便是那种现场感:它们只属于当时在场的那些人。

    What I treasure most about those vivid , unmediated , sometimes scary days - aside from tickets that often cost no more than the price of a pint - is that they uniquely belong to those who were there .

  20. 其次针对电视时政新闻报道缺少同期声、缺乏真实性和现场感、违背电视新闻“声画合一”要求的积弊,提出了解决的措施。

    Secondly , the article put forward the solution to malpractice habited in current political news reporting , for example , the lack of the corresponding voice , the lack of reliability , the violation of " sound-and-picture-unite-as-one " requests in TV news .

  21. 该方法与传统的文化保护方法相比,有更好的易接收性和娱乐性,有利于增强观众的现场体验感和关注度,加大文化传播的广度与深度。

    The method to protect and transmit culture heritage is more acceptable and enjoyable than traditional one , which is better to attract audiences ' attention , make audiences to obtain experience , increase the extent and depth of culture transmitted .

  22. 对于所有的跳舞跃动及欢声笑语而言,没有什么比这更能象征着愤怒的人群的坚定意志,现场的革命感。

    For all the dancing and the smiling , nothing symbolizes the angry determination of this crowd , the revolutionary feel of the scene like this .

  23. 现场报道是新闻节目增强现场感的一个重要手段,而记者现场出镜又是现场报道的重要形式。

    Its well proved in practice that live reportage is an effective and major means to improve TV social news coverage .