
  • 网络dynamic news
  1. 基于PHP技术的校园网动态新闻发布系统的设计与实现

    The Design and Management of College Network Dynamic News with PHP Technology

  2. 深度硬新闻是动态新闻与深度报道的最佳结合点,具有传播上的速度、阅读的便利度、认识问题的深度。

    In-depthhard news is the perfect junction point of dynamic news story and in-depth reports , which is characterized with speed , readability , and deepness .

  3. 央视新闻频道节目包括:动态新闻类节目、谈话类节目、新闻评论性节目、新闻杂志类节目和新闻专题类节目等五大类。

    In detail , the programme of the News Channel of CCTV including : dynamic news , talk show , comments , special topic and magazine programme .

  4. 该网站主要分为走进笔都、动态新闻、湖笔信息、产品展示、人才招聘和信息反馈六大部分。

    The main site is divided into Entering the brush towns , news developments , Brush information , Display products , personnel recruitment and information feedback six most .

  5. 特别在新闻方面,中新网动态新闻及时准确,解释性报道角度独特,稿件被国内外网络媒体大量转载。

    Especially , the dynamic online news is timely and accurate , and the in-depth reports are exclusive , which are always cited by domestic and overseas web media .

  6. 这是因为作为以新闻立台的新闻频道,动态新闻类节目的地位是最为重要的,它的节目的内容的基本情况可以说可以基本反映整个新闻频道节目的整体情况。

    Furthermore , as a TV channel based on news , the status of the dynamic news programme is vital because the contents of it can reflect the general condition of the whole news channel .

  7. 当然了,我不会再这次访谈中向你透露我的策略,而且我知道你明白这是为什么,但是如果你感兴趣,我可以推荐你关注狐狸城的动态新闻,呵呵。

    Of course I won 't reveal to you my strategy in this interview and I am sure you will understand why , but if you are interested , I will keep you updated in the future regarding the news of Foxtown .

  8. 前台主要功能是获取后台新闻消息显示在网站首页,中心简介、领导介绍、机构设置、动态新闻、通知公告、网上咨询、网上评议、表格下载、审批事项和全文搜索等等。

    The functions of forward are to acquire background news appeared as home page , Introduction , Leader of the , Institutional setup , News , Announcement , Online Consultation , Online Review , Forms , Subject to approval and search full text .

  9. 一般而言,视觉新闻包括动态视觉新闻和静态视觉新闻。

    Usually , visual news includes both dynamic and static forms .

  10. 负责整理收集,并发布金融市场,特别是外汇市场的动态,新闻,评论等。

    Responsible for collecting and issues the financial market and Froex Market news , commentary etc.

  11. 这是动态的新闻,可以登录CNNStudentNews.com了解。

    You can all the details on this throughout the weekend . This is a dynamic story , so head to CNNStudentNews.com .

  12. 所以建立动态的新闻发布系统适应企业发展的要求,其意义是巨大的。

    Therefore , the news distribution system to adapt to the dynamic requirements of enterprise development , and its meaning is a large .

  13. 本网站介绍了研究所机构组成、研究动态、新闻会议、教育教学和信息服务等。

    This site offers information of its organization , research activities and areas , news and events , education , data and information , etc.

  14. 它们的价值在于其中存储的信息:照片、朋友的动态、新闻文章,只需手指一划就能查阅一切。

    The value is the information held within it : the photos , the friend updates , the news articles , all accessible with the swipe of a finger .

  15. 我国在实践依法治国基本方略的历史新时期,关于法制建设和法制动态的新闻报道已深入到社会生活的各个领域。

    Of the practice of " rule of law ," the basic strategy of the new historical period of the dynamic on the legal system and legal system has in-depth news coverage to all areas of social life .

  16. 系统能够根据用户设定的不同主题新闻策略,动态监测互联网新闻信息源,自动采集相关网站新闻信息,对相关主题进行实时动态追踪。

    It can monitor and crawl Web news sources , and do topic tracking according to different topic strategies customized by users .

  17. 实时的动态数据比如新闻标题、证券报价和拍卖行情都需要尽快地发送给用户。

    Real-time dynamic web data such as news headlines , stock tickers , and auction updates need to be propagated to the users as soon as possible .