
  • 网络motivation
  1. 论制约大学生英语学习动机形成的因素

    On interacted factors in causal formation of motivation in college English learning

  2. 低中年级浅近的学习动机形成;

    The forming of concrete learning motivation in the period of low-mid grades ;

  3. 方法随访术后反馈动机形成障碍的16例阿片类药物依赖患者,评估手术疗效,分析障碍的类型、程度、持续时间、转归过程,部分复查CT、MRI,总结靶点位置。

    Methods To follow up the 16 patients addicted to opiates who had been suffering motivation-forming dysfunction after operation to analyze the type degree duration and prognosis of this kind of dysfunction and to inspect some of the patients by CT or MRI to summarize the location of the target .

  4. 立体定向手术戒毒后动机形成障碍原因分析及治疗

    Pathogenesis analysis and therapy of motivation-forming dysfunction after stereotactic surgery for drug abstinence

  5. 犯罪嫌疑人从宽期待供述动机形成机制之实证研究

    A Positive Study on the Formation Mechanism of Suspect Confession for His Desire of Lenient Treatment

  6. 接着,文章提出管理类课程应与理工类课程一样,将理论与实践教学紧密结合起来,并随之分析了理论教学与实践教学相结合在学生学习动机形成、创造能力培养等方面的重要性;

    In addition , the paper puts forward the opinion that the management courses should combine the teaching of theory and practice as the science courses .

  7. 同时发现在影响高中生英语学习动机形成的多种因素中,外在因素的影响占主要地位。

    At the same time , the author also found that the extrinsic factors make great proportion among the various influential factors which impact their English learning motivation .

  8. 目的分析立体定向双侧伏隔核射频毁损术后患者动机形成障碍的原因,以提高手术质量,指导康复治疗。

    Objective To analyze the reasons for motivation-forming dysfunction in the patients after ablating the nucleus accumbens bilaterally by stereotactic surgery so as to improve the operative quality and lead the rehabilitative therapy .

  9. 作为影响动机形成的重要因素,也是思想政治教育的重要内容,价值观教育的重要性不言而喻。

    Value education , as the important factor that influences motivation generation and the important part of ideological and political education , is of significant importance . The research is based on two clues .

  10. 第三,通过对科技创新过程的分析,探讨了真善美在创新主体动机形成、创新思维过程、创新结果的价值判断环节中的作用机制。

    Thirdly , through the analysis in the process of innovation , discussions are devoted to the motivation formation of the innovation subject , and the function of valuation mechanism in the course of creative thought and result .

  11. 视觉文本意义在作者缺席状态延异。另外也记录了毕业创作的创作动机形成、在创作实践中遇到的问题和解决方法,以及理论上的思考和技法上的尝试。

    Finally , visual text meaning can be extended with the absence of author . Besides , we also record the creative motivation , the problems encountered in the process and our solution methods , as well as theoretical thinking and technique attempts .

  12. 论大学生骨干良好成就动机的形成

    On Formation of Well-intended Success Motives of Core College Students

  13. 强化学习动机,形成立体培训网络。

    To enhance the teachers'learning motive and form a network of training .

  14. 学生成就动机的形成及其训练

    Formation and training methodology of students ' achievement motive

  15. 学生体育动机的形成与培养途径

    Research on Cultivating the Students ′ Motive in Sports

  16. 绪论部分介绍本文研究动机的形成过程、研究范围及研究方法。

    Introduction section describes the motivation , research , and study methods of this paper .

  17. 因此,教师应当使用适当的教学方法来满足学生的这三种基本心理需要,从而促进学生自主型动机的形成。

    Therefore , teachers should use the appropriate teaching methods to satisfy the students ' basic psychological needs to promote the autonomous motivation .

  18. 合作学习可以有效激发学习者情感因素,如增强学习动机,形成积极学习态度,增强学习者的自尊心,降低学习过程中的焦虑因素等。

    Meanwhile , Cooperative learning can develop learners ' positive affective factors , increasing motivation , forming positive attitude , increasing self-esteem and reducing anxiety .

  19. 犯罪动机的形成过程经历从需要不能满足、缺乏调节能力、采用犯罪手段三个阶段。

    The criminal motivation formation process include three stages : dissatisfaction of need , in short of adjusting ability , adopting to commit a crime .

  20. 文化价值观直接影响财务行为动机的形成和财务行为的方式,即理财行为的目标与方式深受文化特质的影响。

    The cultural values directly impact on the financial motives and financial behavior . The financial management goals and methods are deeply affected by culture characteristics .

  21. 作者通过叙述制宪议员关于宪政制度选择的争论情况,分析制度选择背后利益动机的形成状况与宪政制度理性选择的特点。

    The author analyzes the interest motives of institutional choice and the features of the constitution rational choice through saying disputes on the constitution choice by the constitution-making assemblymen .

  22. 现代医学证明,下丘脑对基本生物动机的形成有影响,睡眠中存在的自然需要就是引起梦的源泉。

    Modern medicine supports that the hypothalamus has influence on basic organism motives , which leads to the theory that natural demand in sleep is the source of dream .

  23. 此项研究志在说明运用形成性评价可以有效的帮助中等专业学校学生增强学习英语的动机,形成积极的情感同时提高英语学习。

    The results of this study showed that using formative assessment is more effective to aid secondary vocational students to strengthen motivation , form positive affect and improve English achievement .

  24. 大学组织变革成本影响着变革动机的形成、变革方式的选择、变革过程的推进和变革绩效的评价。

    The cost of university organization reform affects the formation of reform intention , the selection of reform styles , the promotion of the reform and the evaluation of the reform achievements .

  25. 期待可能性理论揭示了行为人实施触法行为背后心理动机的形成过程,反映了客观条件对人的意志自由的限制程度。

    The Legitimate Expectation reveals the perpetrator acts with the law psychological motivations behind the formation , reflecting the objective conditions of freedom of the will of the people the extent of restrictions .

  26. 唤醒学生主体意识,引导学生自主参与学习,可以通过以下几种措施来实现:激发学习动机,形成自主参与的心向;

    To arouse the students ' self - consciousness and guide their conscious participation in study can be achieved in the following measures : to arouse study motive and form the attitude of conscious participation ;

  27. 随着我国人民生活水平的提高,奢侈品逐渐走进了我国消费者中,良好的宏观大环境和消费观念的逐步成熟使得消费者的奢侈品消费动机初步形成。

    With the improvement of living standards of our country , the luxury goods entered our life gradually . A good macroeconomic environment and consumer consumption help to shape the motivation of luxury goods purchasing .

  28. 但由于受生活条件和民营企业环境因素的影响,这种内在的需求很难在较短的时间内转化成体育动机,形成体育行为。

    However , due to the living conditions and the environment of the private enterprises , this internal requirement can hardly been changed into physical motivation and form the physical behavior within a short period of time .

  29. 数据分析的结果表明,使用形成性评价有助于大学生在英语学习中掌握元认知策略、提高英语学习动机,形成积极的情感和态度。

    This study has found that the application of formative assessment is helpful for college students to master meta-cognitive strategies , to strengthen learning motivation , and to form a positive affect and attitude toward English learning .

  30. 然而博弈双方总在追求自身利益的最大化,双方都有不遵守协议的动机,形成征纳双方认定差异风险。

    However game both sides ahead of the pursuit of self-interest maximization , both had motives that do not comply with the agreement , formation sign is satisfied that the identified differences in risk between the two sides .