
  • 网络Purchase Risk;Buying Risk
  1. 面对央行的慷慨大度,以及仍处于历史低位的股票及信贷价格,很难抑制购买风险资产的势头。

    Powered by the largesse of central banks and the still historically attractive prices for equities and credit , it is hard to beat the momentum for buying risk .

  2. 由于欧盟银行管理局(europeanbankingauthority)要求欧洲各银行提高其资本金水平,大部分欧洲银行可能不愿购买风险国家的债务。

    Most European banks are likely to resist purchasing the debt of riskier sovereigns , given the pressure from the European Banking authority to raise the capital they hold .

  3. 另一方面,投资者正在形成自己的退出策略购买风险资产和黄金。

    Meanwhile , investors are forming their own exit strategies , buying risky assets and gold .

  4. 个人卷入水平、网上购物的自我效能感对感知风险有直接影响,个人卷入水平越高,消费者感知到越多的购买风险。

    The perceived risk was significantly influenced by both the personal involvement and the self-efficiency of online-shopping .

  5. 医院服务质量、购买风险对患者消费行为影响的实证研究

    The empirical study in the effects of service quality and perceived risk on patients behavioral intentions in hospital

  6. 它包括用政府资金购买风险资产,其中一些可能无法收回原值。

    It involves the use of government money to buy risky assets , some of which may not get paid back at par .

  7. 由于融资环境仍然宽松,而且投资者热衷于购买风险较高的信贷产品,因此维持上述债务负担的成本非常低。

    The cost of maintaining this burden is very low , as financing conditions remain easy and investors are eager to purchase risky credit instruments .

  8. 房地产品牌化,对于消费者而言,可以降低他们收集信息的成本,避免购买风险,形成品牌偏好。

    To the consumers the brand establishment will lower the cost of information collection , avoid the risk of purchase and form preference of brand .

  9. 感知风险和个人卷入水平对消费者的信息搜索倾向有显著影响,当消费者具有较高的个人卷入水平或者体验到较高的购买风险时,会增加其在网上的信息搜索。

    The consumer 's propensity to seek information prior to purchase was positively and directly influenced by both consumer 's risk perception and the personal involvement .

  10. 把低收益的美元用作购买风险资产的融资货币,是债市与股市持久反弹背后的又一因素。

    The use of the low-yielding dollar as the global funding currency for buying risky assets is another factor behind the enduring rally in bonds and equities .

  11. 品牌能够引导消费者辨别不同的快递企业服务,同时在获得顾客认知的基础上,还可以降低顾客购买风险,成为快递企业占领市场和获得顾客忠诚的重要手段。

    Brand can guide consumers in identifying the different services of courier companies . On the basis of customer awareness , brand can also reduce the risk of customers to buy .

  12. 上个月,投资者哄抬价格,竞相购买风险极大的选择性支付可调整利率抵押贷款,致使其价格上涨了5~10美元,比原来抬高了近15%,尼格罗估计道。

    In the last month , investors have bid up prices on the super risky option-pay adjustable-rate mortgages by 5 to 10 points & about 15 % higher , Nigro estimates .

  13. 服务更多的表现为一种信任或体验的特征,服务品牌对于服务企业来说非常重要,它能够降低消费者的购买风险和增强购买信心。

    Service shows more trusting and experiencing characteristics , the service brand becomes more and more important to service enterprises . Because it can reduce consumers ' purchasing risks and promote their confidence .

  14. 其中,除文化契合外,主要的影响因素包括母品牌信任、产品契合、消费者创新、购买风险、竞争者品牌的存在以及延伸产品需求这六个。

    Among these factors , except cultural fits , the most important six ones are parent brand trust , product fit , consumer innovation , purchase risk , the existence of competitor brands , and the need of extension product .

  15. 进一步提炼顾客满意度、转换成本、关系信任和购买风险作为影响顾客忠诚的四种典型因素,探讨了他们在品牌资产提升方面的作用,并提出了军民融合企业提升品牌资产的建议。

    It further refines customer satisfaction , switching costs , relationship trust and risk of purchase as the four kinds of typical factors affecting customer loyalty ; discusses the role of brand equity promotion and puts forward some suggestions of civil-military integration enterprise promoting the brand assets .

  16. 由于服务更多地表现出体验性或信任性特征,品牌特别是强势品牌对服务组织来说非常重要,它成为服务组织给消费者的一种承诺,能降低消费者的购买风险并增强其购买信心。

    As service shows more experiencing or trusting characteristics , the brand , especially the strong brand is very important to service organizations . It becomes a commitment of service organizations to consumers . In addition , it can reduce consumers ' purchasing risks and increase their confidence .

  17. 由于银行拒绝提供贷款,财务部长HenryPaulson建议通过购买高风险资产来缓解信贷市场压力。

    As banks refused to lend , Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson proposed a plan to loosen credit markets by buying risky assets .

  18. 保尔森财长曾建议从银行购买有风险的与房地产相关的投资。

    Secretary Paulson proposed to buy risky housing-related investments from banks .

  19. 申请人购买执业风险保险的金额和范围;

    Sum and scope of the practice risk insurance purchased by the applicant ;

  20. 近年来,资产管理公司一直试图通过购买信用风险更高的长期资产来追求收益率。

    In recent years , asset managers have tried to chase yield by buying longer-term assets with greater credit risk .

  21. 购买最高风险证券的投资者,将最先因为贷款人违约而遭受损失。

    Investors who buy the riskiest of these are the first to suffer from losses if any of the borrowers default .

  22. 但是,在很多批评人士看来,即使是这样的增长也不能说明大规模资产购买的风险(无论大小)是合理的。

    Yet in the minds of many critics , even such gains do not justify the risks , great and small , of large-scale asset purchases .

  23. 这使某些银行受到惩罚,这些银行此前利用其能够进入由央行控制的稳定的银行间市场的特权,来获取资金然后去购买高风险、高收益的债券。

    This has punished lenders that have used their privileged access to the stable , central bank-controlled interbank market to fund purchases of risky , high-yielding bonds .

  24. 这意味着,如果这些指数能够足够清查地说明投资银行在买卖什么,投行将能够购买寿命风险,并将其出售给潜在的风险持有者。

    This means that , if the indices provide sufficient clarity about what they are buying and selling , investment banks will be able to buy longevity risk and sell it on to potential holders of risk .

  25. 第三种说法是,零利率或负利率可能会吸引投资者购买高风险资产,因为他们十分清楚:一旦经济复苏,这些政策迟早将会逆转。

    A third argument is that zero or negative interest rates might lure investors into purchasing risky assets , in the full knowledge that those policies will sooner or later have to be reversed once the economy recovers .

  26. 我国社保基金入市面临的风险主要有:市场的系统性风险(包括政策风险、法律风险、购买力风险和利率风险);

    Social insurance fund in our country entering into the capital market have to facing some risks , mainly including : systematic risk on the market ( including policy risk , legal risk , purchasing power risk and interest rate risk );

  27. 目前,证券公司风险一般可分为证券自营风险和证券经纪业务风险,证券自营风险分为基本风险和经营管理风险,包括:利率风险、购买力风险、政治风险及企业经营风险和违约风险;

    Security company risk can be divided into self-operational risk and broker risk . Self-operational risk includes basic risk and management risk , which are interest risk , purchase power risk , political risk , operational risk , and credit risk ;

  28. 通过投资组合,同时购买多种风险不同的股票,可以较好的规避非系统性风险,但不能有效规避整个股市下跌所带来的系统性风险。

    Through the investment portfolio , while the purchase of a variety of different risk stocks , can be used to circumvent the non-systemic risk , but it cannot effectively avoid the stock market as a whole fell by the systemic risk .

  29. 提出控制东道国政治风险的策略,即最小化东道国的敌对情绪、组织好在东道国的经营业务、实施有计划的本土化行动策略、购买政治风险保险以及制定灾难恢复计划等。

    The strategy to control the risk is put forward , i.e. to minimize hostile emotion of host country , to well organize the business in host country , to implement planned localization strategy , to buy political insurance and to develop emergency response plan .

  30. 此时购买存在较大风险,建议您慎重处理。

    Buy existence right now bigger risk , suggest you are handled cautiously .