
  • 网络automatic adjustment mechanism;self-correcting mechanism;Automatic/Autopilot Adjustment Mechanism
  1. 小鼠体内存在某种自动调节机制,当摄入量在一定范围时,这种机制会使体内植物雌激素的含量保持在一个较稳定的值。

    There was some sort of automatic adjustment mechanism , which can keep the phytoestrogen in a stable value in body when intake a certain content .

  2. 化解热钱流入形成的升值压力:市场自动调节机制和政策措施

    Hot Money and the RMB Revaluation Pressure : Policy Options

  3. 建立自动调节机制;

    Setting up automatic regulation mechanism ;

  4. 本文介绍了联系汇率制的两个自动调节机制:物价&现金流机制和套利机制,并对其在运行中的失灵问题进行了阐述。

    This paper examines the traditional automatic operational mechanism of Hong Kong 's linked exchange rate system .

  5. 在黄土高原旱地小麦生产实践的基础上,简述了作物群体生理生态研究方法、根系生理生态、群体自动调节机制、叶面积发育动态以及群体光合生理生态等方面的问题。

    Based on the experiments and production practices of dryland wheat in Loess Plateau , research methods about the physio-ecology of crop population , root physio-ecology , the capacity of crop population autoregulation , dynamics of leaf area and canopy photosynthesis , etc. are discussed in this paper .

  6. 因此,本文拟考察国际收支自动调节机制的运作原理,试图解开它在我国失灵的根源,以寻求调节我国国际收支失衡,化解人民币升值压力的有效方法。

    This paper , based on an investigation of the operation principles of the balance-of-payments auto-accommodating mechanism , tries to analyze the root-causes for the ineffectiveness of the mechanism and find out an efficient way to accommodate the unbalance of payments and eliminate the pressure from RMB appreciation .

  7. 经济市场是一种自动调节的机制,不需要政府调控。

    The economic market is a self-correcting mechanism , that does not need regulation by government .

  8. 阿液压离合器和自动调节的机制消除了调整,在整个传输寿命的需要。

    A hydraulic clutch and self-adjusting mechanism eliminates the need for adjustments throughout the lifespan of the transmission .

  9. 植物体内的自动调节平衡机制会调节金属离子的吸收和运输,从而控制金属离子的含量。

    Automatic adjustment balancing mechanism of plants can regulate the absorption and transport of metal ions to control the content of metal ions .

  10. 本文在皮亚杰建构主义思想的基础上探讨了心理健康的本质及其标准,认为心理健康主要是一个动态的过程,其本质是自动调节的平衡化机制的正常运转;

    This paper puts forward a few views about the nature and standard of mental health . It believes that mental health mainly is a dynamic process , and its nature is an auto-regulation of effective equilibration mechanism .