
zì fù yíng kuī
  • be responsible for its own profits or losses;be responsible for one's own profits and losses;with responsibility for one's own profits and losses;assume sole responsibility for one's own profits or losses;be held responsible for profit and loss
自负盈亏 [zì fù yíng kuī]
  • [be responsible for its own profits or losses] 企业自己负责盈利和亏损

自负盈亏[zì fù yíng kuī]
  1. XD公司刚由一个从事分析技术研究、开发、应用并提供分析测试技术服务为主的纯科研机构转制为自负盈亏的科技型企业,有着自己独特的情况。

    XD Company , a hi-tech enterprise that has just changed system from a scientific research institute engaged in research , development , apply and service on analysis technology , has special condition .

  2. PATRICKDONAHOE:“作为一个自负盈亏,依赖邮资收入的实体,邮政服务需要能够更像企业一样来运作。”

    PATRICK DONAHOE : " As a self-financing entity that depends on the sale of postage for its revenues , the Postal Service requires the ability to operate more as a business does . "

  3. 自负盈亏的经济实体

    An economic entity having full responsibility for its own profits and losses

  4. 人生是自负盈亏的。

    Life is their own profits and losses .

  5. 在任何情况下,中间商也不会自负盈亏购买商品。

    Under no circumstance will the middlemen buy the goods on their own account .

  6. 这使国有企业真正变成了自负盈亏的经济主体。

    The state-owned enterprises into their own profits and losses of the real economy .

  7. 因为这家银行的工作卓有成效,而且是独立运行,自负盈亏。

    Because the bank works . It 's independent . It pays for itself .

  8. 非公平独立核算的分摊独立核算,自负盈亏各自独立核算、独立承担责任和风险。

    Shall practice independent business accounting , and shall independently bear risks and obligations .

  9. 自主经营、自负盈亏、独立的物业管理公司发展模式;

    Independent management , profit-and-loss responsibility , independent development model of infrastructure management company ;

  10. 对企业自负盈亏、扩大出口的若干思考

    On Enterprises Assuming Sole Responsibility for Their Profits and Losses and Increasing Their Exports

  11. 关于地勘单位自负盈亏问题

    On the question of assuming responsibility for their profits and losses by geological prospecting units

  12. 企业是自主经营、自负盈亏、自我发展、自我约束的经济主体。

    Enterprises are a economic Subject in independent management self-sufficiency , self development , and self-discipline .

  13. 市场经济使企业逐步成为自主经营、自负盈亏的经济主体。

    The market economy force enterprise to become their own decisions , self-financing of business entities .

  14. 厂网分开后,发电企业成为自负盈亏的独立经济体。

    After the power generation seperate from Grid , power generation enterprises have become self-financing independent economy .

  15. 该店是私人的,自主经营,自负盈亏。

    This shop is privately owned , independently managed and responsible for its own profits and losses .

  16. 外贸企业建立自负盈亏机制浅见

    Ideas on Establishing the Mechanism of Self & Responsibility for Gain and Loss in Foreign Trade Enterprises

  17. 改革开放前,我国一直是社会主义计划经济体制,在这种体制之下,企业不是真正意义上独立经营、自负盈亏的法人,而是行政管理部门的附属物,因此,谈不上风险问题。

    Before the reform and open , the economic system in our country was socialist planned economy .

  18. 作为一个自负盈亏的实体,该基金依靠其自有储备和再保险机制来筹资。

    As a self-sustaining entity , CCRIF relies on its own reserves and reinsurance to finance itself .

  19. 大部分民办高校在由社会力量自筹资金组建后,在经营中必须要面向市场、自负盈亏。

    Therefore , most private universities have to be profit-and-loss responsibility in managing after funded by social force .

  20. 在市场经济环境下,企业作为市场主体的地位逐步确立,并且自主经营,自负盈亏。

    Under the situation of market economy , enterprise step by step establishes its status as principal part of market .

  21. 市场经济的兴起和深化以及国家关于文学期刊自负盈亏的政策改变了这一格局。

    The emergence and deepening of the market economy , and the variation of the national policy change that pattern .

  22. 节食需有自我约束力.自主经营,自负盈亏,自我发展,自我约束

    Dieting demands self-discipline . " Operate independently , assume sole responsibility for its profits and losses , seek self-development and self-reliance "

  23. 根据合同建立起来的合资企业是一个自负盈亏的独立的经济实体。

    The joint venture set up under the contract is an independent economic entity assuming sole responsibility for its profit and loss .

  24. 自筹资金,自负盈亏我吃了脾气不好的亏。

    Collect funds for oneself and take responsiBility for one 's own profits and losses I was cursed with a bad temper .

  25. 商业银行作为企业,它实行自主经营,自担风险,自负盈亏,自我约束,它以利润为最终目标,按商品经济的经营原则从事经营活动。

    As a enterprise , the aim of the bank is obtaining the maximum profit by carrying on its business , controlling risks .

  26. 使企业自主经营,自负盈亏,实现国有资产保值增值。

    Enterprises can operate independently , assume sole responsibility for their profits or losses and preserve and increase the value of state property .

  27. 自主经营,自负盈亏,是承包经营责任制的实质。

    To Be independent in management and responsible for one 's own profits and losses is the essence of managerial responsiBility system of contracting .

  28. 在今后的4年中,政府会提供5百万英镑,据计划此后该部门将自负盈亏。

    The government will make available $ 5 million over the next four years , after which the service is planned to be self-supporting .

  29. 我国民办教育是由民间力量组建的自筹资金、自负盈亏的组织,因此为了保证自身生存,在具体运作中必须以市场为导向。

    Private Colleges in China , for it is self-financing and set up by social forces ; the operation must be market-oriented and self-financing .

  30. 水源公司、供水公司有充分的自主权,自主经营、自负盈亏。

    Waterhead companies and water supply companies have full autonomy to make their own managerial decisions and take responsibilities for their profits and losses .